looking for opinions on a few memory foam toppers
Nov 11, 2010 1:26 PM
Joined: Nov 9, 2010
Points: 53
I've been reading on this site for a few weeks now and was hoping to get a few opinions as we look to buy a new topper.

First, the background info: my husband and I spent a lot of money (at least a lot for us) on a new king size S&F on sale at Sears after sleeping on what had become a truly horrible Ikea spring mattress. We have had this S&F for somewhere between 5 and 6 years. I like pretty firm and hubby prefers a bit cushier -- we were both pretty happy w/ this bed -- esp after we got a memory foam topper from Costco (Novaform I think w/ 3-4 lb). This past spring/summer we starting hating the bed and feeling it was very hammocky. Finally we took off the topper and low and behold the bed was better! I assume the memory foam had just 'lost its memory' and was worn out and so made what are not very deep impressions feel much worse. While the bed is a LOT better w/out the old topper -- it is not wonderful and I think it is at least partly because of the firmness of the bed -- I wake up and ache in various places -- shoulders and mid-low back. And my husband feels a bit achy too. I am REALLY hopeful that a new topper will help us both be much happier sleepers as we really really don't want to spend more money on another bed (we are spending a lot right now on out of pocket therapies for my 8 yr old son who has some issues). I am 5'2" and about 170 (working to be less!) and husband is 6'4" and around 215 lbs. I have 2 kids and have been up LATE researching this for a while (as well as latex toppers and whole beds). We are both ready to just pull the trigger and just try something -- we both liked memory foam before and figured that was a good place to start. I could research this FOREVER and my husband just wants me to decide on SOMETHING and tell him what to order! He originally wanted a 3-4" and I told him that the recommendation from here (at least from what I have read thus far) was that 1-2" was probably better. I am open to latex and like the idea of it -- but we've not really tried it IRL (except for a latex bed from Ikea -- and hubby was not in love).

At this point I am thinking of the Sensus 2" 5lb from Overstock for  $140. I am a bit concerned about not being able to return it and the (admittedly few) negative reviews about it being too soft. From what I have read here, most folks have been pretty happy with it and I like the price.

Also on the list is the 2.5" Costco Eco Memory foam 4lb density for $230. Obviously it's a LOT more expensive -- but we can return it at any point to our local Costco and get refunded. Also it's a lower density and I'm wondering if it will feel even less because of the 'open cell' construction. I do like the more 'green' aspect as I can be very sensitive to smells (though it wasn't an issue w/ the last topper at all).

I also looked at the Aerus 5lb at Sam's -- but we'd have to get a Sam's membership which would bring the total cost to $240. And I looked at the mem-cool 2" 4lb one from Overstock for $127. But the first 2 are where I am most strongly leaning right now.

Would anyone be able to give a poor tired mom some feedback and just help me decide one way or another? I recognize that it might not be the final answer -- but I figure we have to start somewhere!

Thank you!!

Re: looking for opinions on a few memory foam toppers
Reply #6 Nov 12, 2010 1:23 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
OK ... the best question first :)

Memory foam is probably the worst of the lot regarding "intimate activities" since it is the least "responsive" in real time of any construction. Latex is more lively, supportive, and responsive and closer to innersprings in this way. There are a few places where the different types of mattress are "rated" for being "sex friendly" and latex and innersprings are usually considered "the best" in this area. Of course this is VERY personal and average "approval ratings" here may mean nothing to an individual couple. 2 thumbs up from me though (smiling).

If the poly layers in a mattress are starting to go, then a topper can provide a temporary fix of sorts but it will not really correct any underlying defects ... only cover them up or make them less noticeable for a while. If the underlying defects are too great, then a topper won't help and it's time for other options. How much is "too much" depends on personal circumstances and your own sensitivities and preferences.

It is highly unlikely that the S&F springs are degraded as they are generally regarded to be among the better innersprings of the major brands. I personally would love the chance to do mattress surgery but since I just got a new mattress, watching someone else do it and posting their results would be the next best thing. There are some really good threads in the forum (in the highlighted threads) about people who have done just that. I think it would be a lot of fun personally and you would almost certainly end up with a better mattress than you bought in the first place.

I'll post a few ideas for latex mattress outlets in the next post.


Re: looking for opinions on a few memory foam toppers
Reply #7 Nov 12, 2010 2:15 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Here are a few from my list that may be close enough to warrant a phone call or visit. Some are custom manufacturers and some are retailers that carry a range of latex mattresses. They would give  you a wide range of "testing grounds".










Re: looking for opinions on a few memory foam toppers
Reply #8 Nov 15, 2010 9:04 AM
Joined: Nov 9, 2010
Points: 53
Thanks Phoenix! One of those places is right in Pasadena so we are going to check them out very soon  (probably w/ the kids in tow so should be interesting!)

I wish I could get to those places in Berekely -- some of them look very cool.

And.... I believe th S&F is going to get some surgery soon -- and I admit I am also a bit freaked out myself!

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