Looking to pick your expert bedding minds
May 30, 2013 7:34 PM
Joined: May 30, 2013
Points: 2

Hi all,


Looking to pick your expert bedding minds: 


I've been going through different mattresses for about the past 7 years now straight and I can't seem to find a good night's sleep on anything. I've tried Temperpedic all memory foam ones, I've tried part memory foam part spring ones, I've tried firm and soft and nothing has given me a good nights sleep. Almost all of my mattresses have been Sleepy's bought. 


Recently I was traveling for 4 months (almost all at hotels) and I found I could actually get a really good nights sleep on spring mattresses and other cheap, old type mattresses. In particular while in Bali I slept on a spring bed that I had 3 AMAZING nights sleep on (called Bigland beds, Spring bed) but they only seem to make this in some bootleg factory in Asia. I live in the US. The company is unreachable.


I currently wake up with pain and cramps in my right shoulder, right ankle and sometimes my back as well. It is really bad. I am a side and back sleeper.


Any and all suggestions and recommendations would be greatly appreciated : )



Re: Looking to pick your expert bedding minds
Reply #1 Jun 1, 2013 8:00 AM
Joined: May 30, 2013
Points: 2
Any help at all would be greatly greatly appreciated.

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