Looking for recommendations on a waterproof mattress protector
Sep 27, 2010 7:40 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2010
Points: 1

My wife and I purchased a Queen 12" memory foam mattress from Dynasty Mattress on amazon.com, we just have it on the floor for now.

Our 16 month old daughter will sleep in our bed on occasion, so we bought a waterproof mattress cover from Walmart to protect it. It made the mattress very stiff and slept extremely hot, so we pulled that off so we could at least enjoy our new mattress, knowing full well what would eventually happen. Well the inevitable happened last night, our daughter fell asleep in our bed and overflowed her diaper.

I could use some help in selecting a cover that will work for my family and I am hoping to avoid the trial and error process that I am faced with now.

We are looking for a comfortable, breathable, waterproof mattress protector for a memory foam mattress and I hope something like that exists!


Thanks in advance!


Re: Looking for recommendations on a waterproof mattress protector
Reply #3 Sep 27, 2010 1:27 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
sandman wrote:

Not sure if you read this recent thread .  Water resistant, not waterproof though.  Made out of wool, so should be more breathable.  Might change feel of mattess, but they say it doesn't.

I would have to give these kind of wool protectors a plus one.  Even though they are a little firm and sensitive people will notice their presence it is really the only truly breathable mattress protector that is virtually waterproof.  When we need everything waterproofed there is always going to be some kind of compromise made, but I feel these types to be the least.

Re: Looking for recommendations on a waterproof mattress protector
Reply #4 Sep 30, 2010 6:36 AM
Joined: Sep 30, 2010
Points: 2
Walmart has an AWESOME mattress protector.   I don't know if you have tried the Quiet Comfort Waterproof Mattress Pad.  It is Walmart's finest quality one.  It isn't hot, it doesn't "crinkle", and it is very soft.  We bought it 2 weeks ago, and are still loving it.  I ordered it over the internet- i don't know if they carry it in the stores.  It came within a week, with free shipping.  I highly recommend it!


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