Mattress Joint
Feb 8, 2010 3:43 PM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 2
Anyone have any dealings with Mattress Joint out of Oakland Park,  Fl.?  They have an A- rating with BBB other then that haven't read a whole lot of anything about them good or bad, they have some great deals and the mattress we are looking at we save about $500, so gotta consider that.  We've been looking so long and have finally settled on the Engalnder  Gold 21st Century Mattress, first mattress my wife and I both agree on!!!! Anyone have any dealings with Englander not alot of reviews on those, and just like any mattress there are good reviews and bad reviews.  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Mattress Joint
Reply #3 Nov 16, 2011 2:29 AM
Joined: Nov 16, 2011
Points: 1
I bought the Englander Captiva Natural pillowtop from Overstock and that was an expensive mistake. First was buying from Overtsock because they wouldn't take it back, unlike Macy's who will let you exchange your mistake for a different mattress.  The second was buying this mattress. The pillow-top felt good to touch, but to sleep on it is another matter. I didn't slice open my mattress like the one reviewer did, but if I had, I'm sure I would have found they scimped on the foam top. This mattress feels like more like trying to sleep on a sleeping bag on my driveway. 


So then I went and spent another $129 on a 3 inch foam topper to put on top of my mattress. It worked great for about 2.5 months, and now my back is begining to hurt again. I just need to cut my losses and a get a good mattress from a company who will stand behind me.

This message was modified Nov 16, 2011 by tammy0300
Re: Mattress Joint
Reply #4 Nov 16, 2011 5:42 AM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
Hi Jimsocal,

Are you still sleeping on the Englander? Do you have just 2" of latex over the springs & then the cover? Anything else?

Just curious!

I was exploring a similar build- high quality, high density, honeycomb bilevel pocket coils + 2" of latex + cover. Nothing else. Frankly, I think I really like the simplicity and was just wondering if that's essentially what you have created. :)

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