"Mattress look" compared to a thin cotton or terry cloth zippered case?
Jul 13, 2010 12:41 PM
Joined: Jul 7, 2010
Points: 22
We are seriously considering doing a DIY bed buying latex foam from foambymail.com. The 100% latex foam is cheaper but my drawback is not having a sturdy case to surround it all. My DH thinks he'll just roll out of bed off the side. Do you think this makes a difference, the sturdy cover vs. the cotton or terry cloth thin cover? 

I have read that having a thin cover is actually better though being closer to the latex....but still concerned about falling off...

Words of wisdom anyone? Thanks!!


Re: "Mattress look" compared to a thin cotton or terry cloth zippered case?
Reply #26 Jul 22, 2010 6:46 AM
Joined: Jul 7, 2010
Points: 22
Our Foamsbymail.com latex arrived yesterday and I am in the process of laying it out....taking pictures too. Will post in a bit as a new thread.


So far, I'm very pleased yes, better then what I expected really...I was a bit nervous after seeing some other pictures. I really can't see how what we got as 100% latex from FBM would be lesser quality then the competitions who are charging a whole lot more.  smiley


sadUPS did leave the 130 lb package on my sidewalk though, they literally just put it outside their truck door! I was home but in the shower. NOT FBM fault though on that...just our UPS driver. I used to work for FED EX and I would NEVER leave a huge package like that unprotected from the elements not knowing if the people were home or not! There was a sizable oil spot on the cardboard too, but FBM covers the latex with so much mattress, it was not affected.


I'll be back in a bit with pictures!

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