Mattress Surgery. Good or Bad Idea?
Jun 20, 2009 11:21 AM
Joined: Jun 16, 2009
Points: 29
Let's take three different scenarios. I'm using Art Van Furniture store policy as an example. No returns; $119 exchange fee; $80 delivery fee; only one exchange allowed so you better make the right decision.

(1) You bought a bed that gives you back pain and you can't return or exchange it.

(2) You bought a bed that gives you back pain and you can't return it, and the cost of the exchange (at least $400, see below) is prohibitive. (It only cost me $85 to DIY surgery.)

(3) You bought a bed that gives you back pain and you can't return it, and you can exchange it. But the best you could get is a bed which you aren't sure about. Total cost is: $120 for exchange fee, $80 for delivery, and at least $200 for the upgrade = At least $400 more than you already spent. You can barely afford it, it will hurt your pocket book, but again, its a gamble because you don't know if what you are getting will solve the problem.

My answer is. (1) Perform the mattress surgery because you are stuck with an otherwise useless bed anyway. (2) Perform the mattress surgery because you are stuck with an otherwise useless bed anyway.  (3) Here you have to weigh the risks. If you pay $400 or more and still have back pain then you are thrown into category (1) and might now have to pay more to buy replacement foam. It's possible all you need to do is take some out. But until you take the top off and try it you don't know.

Am I not considering something?

Re: Mattress Surgery. Good or Bad Idea?
Reply #8 Jun 22, 2009 7:21 PM
Joined: May 22, 2009
Points: 64
Marshall wrote:
you may think that i am being condesending and disrepectfull and rude, but i think its just because i dont agree with you.

Really? You display unrestrained contempt for those members who undertake the difficult task of reupholstering their mattresses, none of whom made that decision lightly, I'm sure, calling them "irresponsible", etc., and you honestly don't believe you've been the slightest bit rude or condescending in your posts? I find that kind of hilarious.

Some of your advice sucks, by the way.
Re: Mattress Surgery. Good or Bad Idea?
Reply #9 Jun 23, 2009 1:57 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
What do you expect? By his own admission he's an industry man. The idea of informed, involved and capable consumers scares the crap out of him. If we can all make our own mattresses where does that leave him? Trying to scare people out of attempting mattress surgery and belittling those who have gone that route is a matter of job security to this guy. Dude, it's just a freakin' mattress, not a holy relic.
Re: Mattress Surgery. Good or Bad Idea?
Reply #10 Jun 23, 2009 8:59 PM
Joined: Jul 10, 2008
Points: 69
When you open the mattress, keep the damask cover and put it back over the mattress. Don't smoke in bed. Do the surgery, you have nothing to lose.
Re: Mattress Surgery. Good or Bad Idea?
Reply #11 Jul 6, 2009 3:35 PM
Joined: Jul 6, 2009
Points: 3
Hi Cloud9--you seem to know a bit about mattresses.  I thought you might be able to help me (see my post today sleeplessinpdx new mattress/latex causing back pain).  My spouse thinks I am nuts; I am certain the latex mattress is the problem (I don't know the ILD--it was a medium firm--supposedly Dunlop, but I since have learned that the mattress maker may be using talalay).  I've also tried two S brand mattresses.  What do you know about latex and back pain?  Extreme aches1  How about regular mattresses and pain (side, midback).  I would really appreciate your advice.  Thanks!

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