Mattress surgery guidance???
Jan 3, 2016 9:57 AM
Joined: Jan 3, 2016
Points: 2
Hi all!

Wow, what an excellent site!!! I only wish I'd found it BEFORE my mattress-ordeal over the last year, where I now find myself looking at "Mattress surgery" (who knew there was such a thing?!). LOL. I wanted to see if I could get any guidance or advice before I decide to do it though, since I have no idea what might be a good idea for replacement of what's inside... so I thought I'd share my problem, & what they've listed as is inside. And see if anyone could see a problem & say "Oh yeah, THAT would cause that for ya!". :)

So we initially bought a tempurpedic, which was hard as a rock, but gave it 3 months anyway just to make sure. So we did the exchange that we were allowed for a different mattress, & went w/ a Simmons Beautyrest Legend Plush. NOW the problem is that it's too soft! I'm like the 3 Bears over here! Actually, within 5 days, the mattress felt different & my back started hurting (I have back problems anyway). But it felt good for 5 nights. And it immediately got body impressions too! Well, I know from what I've read that 99.99% of all claims are denied so I haven't even tried. Although, I might give that a go first, before I decide to cut it open... depending on what the fee is for them to come look at it. If it's just as expensive for me to replace the foam inside, I'm doing that & not taking my chances on wasting my money b/c I don't trust them to begin with.

What's inside (based on another website, which calls it a slightly different name, but they say it's equivalent):
Quilt top--
-Surface Cool Plus Fiber
-1 1/4" Air Feel Foam
-3/4" GelTouch Foam
Comfort Padding--
-2" AirCool Gel Memory Foam
-1/2" Gel Touch Foam
Back Support--
-1 1/2" Energy Foam
Coil Gauge--
Pocketed Coils

So I have NO idea what all that means... besides that there is 6 freakin' inches of foam in this thing!!! Which is 6 inches of stuff between me & the support of the coils! The one thing I'm curious about too, is the pocketed coils. I've read those aren't as firm as other types of coils. So is it pointless for me to be worried about all the memory foam when the coils might be the problem??? Or is there room for me to firm-up the foam issue? I don't know what the firm-ness level of all those foams are, so they mean nothing to me until I pop it open & feel them with my hand... versus feeling what's in the stores with my hand too. So there's a problem also... I can't replace ANY of it until I compare. I can't buy this stuff online unless I know I can return. I'll be stuck spending money on things when in the end I could've just bought a cheap mattress. LOL

Any who... sorry for the rambling. I just don't even know where to start w/ what's what on the foam-end. I'm ready for a good night's sleep though & if that means cutting open this expensive mattress, that's what I'm ready to do! I want to puke at just the mere thought of going through the mattress-buying experience again!!! I would almost even be willing to find some old coils & replace those if those end up being the problem! ;) I've read about someone putting carpeting in their mattress to firm things up, so I know that's one option too... maybe over the coils & under the foam? I just don't know how you firm-up a mattress. I know you can make one SOFTER.
Thanks for any input. I really do love all the information I've already learned here!

Re: Mattress surgery guidance???
Reply #4 Jan 19, 2016 4:13 AM
Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Points: 189
Kimtexas.  How is the project going?  Mattdud

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