Mattress surgery on old mattress?
May 31, 2010 6:28 PM
Joined: May 22, 2010
Points: 112
This question naturally flows from the fact that we're replacing our 15-year old queen-size Sealy innerspring pillowtop mattress with a DIY PU/latex hybrid I'm building. What should I do with our old mattress and boxsprings?

My daughter would like to use it, but I'm concerned that it is too old and worn out to provide proper support. What is your opinion? Should I consider an overhaul and do mattress surgery to replace old foams with new, or would the basic underlying springs simply be shot after fifteen years?

Re: Mattress surgery on old mattress?
Reply #1 Jun 1, 2010 11:24 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
There is only one way to find out: Open 'er up and look at the springs.

You will want to throw out the foam in there for sure, even if it "looks" good. If there is cotton batting or a wool layer (doubtful) you might consider keeping that.

Once it's open throw out the foam and take everything off except for the thin layer of something that is directly over the springs. Look at it, lay on it, etc and see if you can determine if there's any dip. There may or may not be. Depends on many things. If there is no dip and it doesn't feel substantially lower or softer where  your butt/belly goes, then it's worth rebuilding with latex.

If you keep it do your best to vacuum and clean out any dust in there. No doubt there are dust mites even if you can't see them. If you give the mattress to your daughter, get her an allergy-proof mattress cover to put around it once she gets it adjusted to where it feels good to her. That will keep the dustmites at bay.

She probably only needs 2-3" of latex on top of the springs. Ask her whether she likes firm of soft then buy latex accordingly. I suggest 3x 1" layers instead of one 2" layer plus 1". Maybe a 19ILD, 24ILD and 32ILD. Or if she likes firmer, then a 36ILD + 32ILD + 24ILD. Something like that.

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