Mattress surgury or buy new?
Dec 23, 2013 6:43 AM
Joined: Dec 23, 2013
Points: 1
Dear Forum users,

I am hoping to get some help from the people on this forum to decide whether I should attempt surgery on my Beautyrest masttress or just buy a new one.  The mattress is 6 years old and appears to be the equivalent of the currently selling Simmons Beautyrest World class recharge. I want to get something  new or fix the one I have because I am a side sleeper and the last two years I have been getting neck pains when I try to sleep and my arm is falling asleep.  I attribute this to the large impression that has formed where I sleep.  I have seen several great discussions regarding the surgery route and though from the research on foams that I have done on the internet show the cost that look like it could approach half a new mattress.  So my questions are:

1.  If I buy a new mattress what is the bst type to avoid this problem in the future?  I assume something without a pillow top and a bit firmer.  This I hope would last longer due to the higher density foams but also would allow me to put a mattress topper on it if I want it softer and if that wears out I can just replace the topper instead of having to due the surgery in the future...

2. If I try surgeury how much am I looking at to make this mattress as new?  Can someone please recommend a website to buy the HR and latex foams from?  I know the Talady cesion is popular, a 2 inch king size is $600 on  My worry is that if I go this route I could end up spending close to $800-$1000 on foams and not get the right ones and enp up not being able to return them.

Re: Mattress surgury or buy new?
Reply #2 Apr 30, 2014 6:39 AM
Joined: Nov 21, 2011
Points: 70
Buy new. No question about it. 

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