A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
Does such a thing exist? Right now I'm going through a bedbug scare. |
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
^^ Truth. |
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
I guess I could kill myself. Take that bedbugs! |
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
Perhaps a 1.2 million Euro magnetically supported bed, assuming you can just keep your clothing and bedding completely unexposed to the critters in the first place... |
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
I don't think there are any bedbugs in outerspace yet, so you could move to the International Space Station. Zero gravity might make picking a mattress easier as well. |
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
Here is a good article: http://thisbebutablog.blogspot.com/search/label/bed%20bugs
Basically vacume your mattress and everything around it. dust with diatomaceous earth. seal in a allergy mattress cover. set feet in cup of diamaceous earth. etc.
good luck. |
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
Yeah the best way to keep bed bug away from you mattress is keep cleaning them and keep sparying pest spray. |
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
The matress can be pest for free without any charge. Just keep them in sunlight and wait from morning to evening. All the bugs and other insects will going to be killed in the sunlight beams. So, try this cost free solution. It will work for sure. But keep an eye on sky and weather also. If there is rainy season and clouds in the sky then don't try to do this. This message was modified Jul 8, 2013 by charlessmith
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
I have a very old pillow that I have been sleeping on for 10+ years and it is in need of replacing. I cannot find any discernable tags on it... I THINK it is latex foam? It has a branding on the pillow that says "252165-4 STANDARD CAVITY NO 3" It is very soft, and when you lay your head down on it, it sinks down 80% of the way to the bottom. It has lots of little holes in it as well. |