A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
Sep 22, 2010 11:12 AM
Joined: Jan 16, 2010
Points: 45
Does such a thing exist? Right now I'm going through a bedbug scare.
Re: A mattress type that isn't susceptible to bed bugs?
Reply #9 Jul 27, 2013 3:03 AM
Joined: Jul 27, 2013
Points: 1
I have a very old pillow that I have been sleeping on for 10+ years and it is in need of replacing. I cannot find any discernable tags on it... I THINK it is latex foam? It has a branding on the pillow that says "252165-4 STANDARD CAVITY NO 3"

It is very soft, and when you lay your head down on it, it sinks down 80% of the way to the bottom. It has lots of little holes in it as well.

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