Mattresses for heavier people
Jun 23, 2010 5:53 AM
Joined: Jun 23, 2010
Points: 1
I am a bodybuilder and weigh 275 at 5'10" and have an issue with mattresses looking like tacos after having them for only a few years.  My current mattress I bought at Denver Matress about 7 years ago and have done the flip/rotation thing as they directed and it's taco'd out already.  Can anyone recommend a good mattress that will give good support as the taco'd bed thing has wreaked havoc on my lower back and won't break down/taco due to my bodyweight?  I had considered a memory foam mattress but I've read several reviews that those break down over time as well.  Thanks everyone!
Re: Mattresses for heavier people
Reply #7 Oct 3, 2010 9:54 AM
Sweet Deals, Sweet Dreams! Premium Mattress Outlet
Location: Anaheim, CA
Joined: Oct 2, 2010
Points: 32
Buy the way - It seems to me I recall reading in "Bed Times" a few mths ago that Therapedic was looking at offering a group of mattresses for larger customers.  You might check them out.




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