Aug 9, 2010 9:24 AM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64
just curious as to what everyone's feeling is about using melatonin as a sleep aid? 


Re: Melatonin?
Reply #4 Aug 10, 2010 4:43 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I happen to know a lot about melatonin as I am a member of the Life Extension Foundation and they have been promoting it for many years. It is said to extend one's life and it is their #1 rated life extender out of a list of 10 or so. I started experimenting with it back in the 80's.

Whoever said that the doses are usually too high was right. It won't do you harm at any reasonable dose according to research. 1/3 of a milligram (300micrograms) is enough for many, yet they sell it in doses up to 10mg (or 30times 1/3 milligram). The best thing to do if you're going to take it is to take the minimum amount and work your way up if necessary.

That said, melatonin gives me nightmares so severe and odd at times that it made me stop taking it. It would work some nights and then other nights it would give me very vivid and weird nightmares. So I don't take it.

Benadryl works for me. I find that I get used to it and after taking it for a few days in a row it does not make me groggy during the day. Maybe a little in the morning. I have allergies so for me it kills 2 birds with one stone. I'm not recommending it for people who don't have allergies severe enough to need it, but I've had bad allergies and sinusitus all my life, so I need SOMETHING. I used to take beconase and flonase but they became too expensive for me so I went to benadryl and it is working well for me. I take just one per night and I'm good for 24 hours more or less. And it helps me sleep.

I recommend people use melatonin if they can tolerate it. As with anything, it's good to try it for at least a week or two and see if your body/mind adjusts to it before giving it up. Not everyone gets nightmare problems with it and really a lot of the time it's more like "weird dreams" than nightmares...

A product I often use is "Calm Tabs" from They have herbs in them including valerian and valerian is a very good relaxant. The recommended dose is 4 tabs and I take 2 most nights. Really helps me sleep well. You can buy just valerian at drugstores too and if you do, pay for the "standardized extract", as it's better quality than the ones that aren't standardized.

Re: Melatonin?
Reply #5 Aug 10, 2010 5:10 PM
Location: San Jose, CA
Joined: Apr 4, 2010
Points: 143
Melatonin helps me get on a local sleep cycle when travelling. I take one half a Schiff tablet at 10pm local time each night for 2-3 days.

Also, it does not make my dreams any different than usual for me, which are always quite vivid every night, in my case.

Re: Melatonin?
Reply #6 Aug 10, 2010 10:46 PM
Joined: Sep 8, 2007
Points: 330
I'm surprised to hear these comments about melatonin's effect on dreams, as I haven't noticed this at all. I use 3 mg. lozenges when needed--probably twice a week or so. Sometimes it's very helpful, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. I noticed my health food store also sells timed-release melatonin, for people who have trouble staying asleep.
Re: Melatonin?
Reply #7 Aug 16, 2010 9:17 AM
Joined: Mar 11, 2010
Points: 56
I started with 1mg (that would be 100 micrograms, right?) tablet that dissolved under my tongue. Helped me fall into a very nice, relaxed sleep. I didn't have any weird dreams, although I do when I use products like Nyquil. Start witht he lowest dose. I also have had great success with an eye mask. Any light coming in reduces your melatonin and causes you to wake up. This was a problem for me when my husband would turn on the would wake me up.
Re: Melatonin?
Reply #8 Aug 16, 2010 10:38 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
I do believe 1 mg = 1000 micrograms