memory foam maybe it will help you
Feb 28, 2011 12:55 PM
Joined: Jan 26, 2011
Points: 32
Sensus is a Foamex product. (I'd done quite a bit of research and (through some prying phone conversations with Foamex) found out that they once supplied Tempurpedic.) They are THE memory-foam authority. (Let that sink in for a minute.) If Tempurpedic chose this company to make their products, it must be top-quality.

I own this particular topper and I can say it is everything you want a memory-foam product to be; resilient, durable, firm, supportive, responsive and COMFORTABLE! I promise, you won't be disappointed with it.

I've also "done the math" and figured out the actual density. My Sensus topper has a density of 5.3 pounds per cubic foot; the exact density of the Tempurpedic topper. So there's no skimping on density, here. I reiterate, the up-front price is tiny compared to the long-term value. Expect 5 years of flawless performance from this dense foam. You may even get ~10 years out of it, depending on use.

Some generic info about memory foam:

There's a few things you MUST consider, it's long but I think you will find this helpful.

#1 Density. Density refers to the weight of the foam given a certain volume. It is measured in pounds per cubic foot or lb/ft3. As a rule, the higher the density, the firmer and more resilient (durable) the foam. There are exceptions to this rule, but that's for later. Generally speaking, a density of less than 3lb/ft3 is extremely soft, very low resiliency; it's bottom of the barrel stuff and should be bought as a super light-duty item (for your toy poodle's bed.) Foam with a density between 3lb/ft3 and 3.9lb/ft3 is marginal; expect it to be very soft and to wear out after a scant year of regular use. Densities of 4lb/ft3 - 5.3lb/ft3, you're into the better range; expect this foam to be soft to medium firmness and to last for 2 years of regular use (at the high end of the range, up to 5 years). Memory foam with a rating of over 5.3lb/ft3 is where the quality products are found; these products can best be described as medium-firm to firm and should last 5 years or more (you pay for what you get.) There's even an 8lb/ft3 foam on the market!(Good for the supportive middle layers of mattresses.) Some important notes: If you are a back-sleeper, I suggest a minimum of 5lb/ft3 memory foam; this will prevent sagging. Side-sleepers can get away with a softer density (4.5lb/ft3 is about the lowest I suggest for anybody.)
The firmness of memory foam varies greatly with temperature; a foam that is firm at 65 degrees can be squishy at 85; also, there are differences in manufacturing procedures that can produce very different firmnesses in different products of the same density. If you want to delve further, you'll have to go looking for yourself; the details are far too complicated for this post. lol

#2 Thickness. After you've chosen the density that suits you, consider the thickness. I'll keep this short; if you sleep on your back, go for about 2" and if you sleep on your side, go for 3". DON'T GET SOMETHING TOO THICK!!!, you'll just get a hammock effect. (Higher density foams will be more supportive at any given thickness, so if there's a choice between thick and light or thin and dense, go with the latter.)

#3 The Underlying Structure. If your old mattress is uncomfortable, putting a topper on it will not improve the situation by much. Memory foam is made so that it takes the shape of whatever is underneath it. If you need a new mattress, buy one. Expensive band-aids are just Here's a BIG hint: Use a 6" thick slab of traditional polyurethane foam as the base for your topper; this will be a smooth, firm base. Remember this is NOT memory foam, it's a dense version of what's in your sofa cushions. Using a density of over 2.5lb/ft3 is vital for a base layer. If you need a new mattress get this as your base. Here, I can't mention a particular website, but there are manufacturers that make this stuff: (you know how to Google it)

* Lux High Quality Foam
* DENSITY: 2.8lb/ft3
(The site (which shall remain nameless) makes a medium firm conventional foam, too)

#4 Cost. Many make the mistake of confusing the price of a particular item with its cost. Considering that very high-density (5.5lb/ft3 and up) polyurethane memory foam (all memory foam is made from polyurethane but not all polyurethane foam is memory foam) can easily last twenty times as long or longer than a low density foam, I don't need to explain how the "expensive" high-density products are anything but.

#5 The Break-In Period. Memory foam products will be their firmest when brand-new. After a break-in period of a few weeks, the foam softens significantly. So, when you first lie down on new memory foam, if it feels soft, you're in trouble; for after the break-in period, it will be much too soft. A memory foam product should be almost uncomfortably firm right out the box; give it time; after a few weeks, it gradually soften to the perfect firmness. If it's soft right out the package, SEND IT BACK!

I hope this was informative and please rate this review as helpful so it may see the light of day!
Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #2 Mar 1, 2011 8:17 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Aaron, last time we heard from you it seemed that you were still trying to figure out the right combination.  Sounds like you are now using some Sensus and are pretty happy overall.  Can you tell us what your current configuration is and how you feel about it?
Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #3 Mar 1, 2011 10:03 AM
Joined: Jan 26, 2011
Points: 32
sorry for not posting my update sandman i was prob still sleeping  :)

ok after all we did and bought this is what we ended up with and i cant believe we spent so much money.

ok so from bottom to top

6 inches of 40 ild talalay  

4 inches of 22ild talalay ( from OMI)

3 inches of premium high density foam 25 ild for wife side 28ild for my side ( picked this up at a local Upholstery shop) cost about 80 dollars for 2 pieces of 30x80 pieces

2 inches of 5.34 pound sensus memory foam ( from amazon)

100% wool mattress pad (from OMI)

Fieldcrest® Luxury Egyptian Cotton Twill Sheet Set (from Macy's)

the only reason we have the 6 and 4 inches of latex is because that is the OMI lago that went spent a fortune for if i could do it over i would just buy a 5 inch peice of firm talalay or dunlop for the foundation then add the foam and then the memory foam. the reason we got rid of the 19 and 21 latax is that we could never get rid of that springy push back feeling. it was fine for my our backs but killing our shoulders and necks, we tried everything from cutting up the 21 and the 19 to make it work but waking up with bad necks and migranes headaches we ended up trying the 1 inch foam then 2 inch and finally the 3 inch was perfect. we tried different companys for memory foam as well "healthy fondations" offer a 2" inch 4 pound wich is good stuff but was a little to soft, not the right density (firmess) that we needed so we tried "angelbeds" 2 ' 5 pound and it too was ok but didnt meet my wifes criteria, so we with 5.34 pound sensus foamex and it was perfect the first night. we found some pillows wich i believe are the best pillows ive ever slept on as well called "i love my pillow" from

so what started out with a OMI 4000.00 dollars purchase and many 1 and 2 inch latax 19ild 21ild and 14 ild peices and we ended up using premium high density foam and really high grade memory foam, go figue... could haved saved about 5 grand but like so many people... all some of us can do is try until you find the system that works for you. at times i thought it was worse than buying a house but in the end we know that it will last forever because even if the memory breaks down over time we bought a second one and put it in storage because knowing our luck they wont make it when we need to buy another one.

so this is our mattress adventure i hope that you all dont have to go thru it but i know if your picky or having pain you probably will or are cutting up latax or foam and trying everything like we did  to get it right..dont give up ..nothing in this world is like waking up and NOT wanting to get out of bed!!!!


thanks you guys good luck to all

Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #4 Mar 2, 2011 9:40 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 50
chas0512 wrote:



sorry for not posting my update sandman i was prob still sleeping  :)


ok after all we did and bought this is what we ended up with and i cant believe we spent so much money.

ok so from bottom to top

6 inches of 40 ild talalay  

4 inches of 22ild talalay ( from OMI)

3 inches of premium high density foam 25 ild for wife side 28ild for my side ( picked this up at a local Upholstery shop) cost about 80 dollars for 2 pieces of 30x80 pieces

2 inches of 5.34 pound sensus memory foam ( from amazon)

100% wool mattress pad (from OMI)

Fieldcrest® Luxury Egyptian Cotton Twill Sheet Set (from Macy's)

the only reason we have the 6 and 4 inches of latex is because that is the OMI lago that went spent a fortune for if i could do it over i would just buy a 5 inch peice of firm talalay or dunlop for the foundation then add the foam and then the memory foam. the reason we got rid of the 19 and 21 latax is that we could never get rid of that springy push back feeling. it was fine for my our backs but killing our shoulders and necks, we tried everything from cutting up the 21 and the 19 to make it work but waking up with bad necks and migranes headaches we ended up trying the 1 inch foam then 2 inch and finally the 3 inch was perfect. we tried different companys for memory foam as well "healthy fondations" offer a 2" inch 4 pound wich is good stuff but was a little to soft, not the right density (firmess) that we needed so we tried "angelbeds" 2 ' 5 pound and it too was ok but didnt meet my wifes criteria, so we with 5.34 pound sensus foamex and it was perfect the first night. we found some pillows wich i believe are the best pillows ive ever slept on as well called "i love my pillow" from

so what started out with a OMI 4000.00 dollars purchase and many 1 and 2 inch latax 19ild 21ild and 14 ild peices and we ended up using premium high density foam and really high grade memory foam, go figue... could haved saved about 5 grand but like so many people... all some of us can do is try until you find the system that works for you. at times i thought it was worse than buying a house but in the end we know that it will last forever because even if the memory breaks down over time we bought a second one and put it in storage because knowing our luck they wont make it when we need to buy another one.

so this is our mattress adventure i hope that you all dont have to go thru it but i know if your picky or having pain you probably will or are cutting up latax or foam and trying everything like we did  to get it right..dont give up ..nothing in this world is like waking up and NOT wanting to get out of bed!!!!


thanks you guys good luck to all

how high is your mattress now with all the add ons?

from where did you buy the 5.3 lb sensus foam? do you have to buy a cover for the foam, separately too? Does this sensus foam sleep hot?

do you sleep on your side?/your weight/height/any low back pain issues? etc (so I could get some rough idea if this sensus foam works for me)

I asked a question about pushback from latex(see thread) . Did your 19 and 21 ild blended talalay latex pushed back too?

Thanks guy, hope everything works out for you.  


Add: is it this foam? -

Comfort Dreams Sensus 3-inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper at ( I don't know if I could post links?)

At amazon queen size is $329.

Here is what 1 reviewer wrote about this topper on

"This foam does not even come close to TP. It is very soft. This may be good for some people and bad for others. I was looking for something much firmer and closer to TP brand's IFD. This topper collapses quite easily under pressure. So while it feels soft, it does not give much support. Instead of melting into the foam, you crush it flat immediately."

what do you say about this?

This message was modified Mar 2, 2011 by xyz1ab
Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #5 Mar 3, 2011 9:00 AM
Joined: Jan 26, 2011
Points: 32
in answer to all your questions xyz, i would first have to tell you we are all on here trying to help one another out and give some feed back into what each and everyone of us has either gone thru or are currently going thru. Some of you questions seem to be judgemental and sarcastic and that is not why this forum was made.

first you ask how high is our mattress 6x4x3x2 is 15 inches

second you ask where did we buy the memory foam if you slow down and read my thread you would see that i purchased our memory foam from amazon, not overstock.

third question did we cover it.. again i said in the thread we covered it with a 100% wool mattress pad from OMI

4th question my wife and i are side sleepers she is 5'3" 115 pounds and i am 5' 8" 165 and i too am a side sleeper.

and no it does not sleep hot but that might be because of the wool mattress pad.

5th question was something about the 19 and 21 pushing back ..this is what i said in my thread again please slow down and read before asking all these questions that were already addressed. "we got rid of the 19 and 21 latax is that we could never get rid of that springy push back feeling."

i try to go into details about our experience to help others and if i have a suggestion i post it with great respect. We will try our best to help you out in all aspects of your mattress issues but please show some be mature and be respectful when asking or posting responses or questions

thank you

Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #6 Mar 3, 2011 9:28 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 50
chas0512 wrote:



in answer to all your questions xyz, i would first have to tell you we are all on here trying to help one another out and give some feed back into what each and everyone of us has either gone thru or are currently going thru. Some of you questions seem to be judgemental and sarcastic and that is not why this forum was made.


first you ask how high is our mattress 6x4x3x2 is 15 inches

second you ask where did we buy the memory foam if you slow down and read my thread you would see that i purchased our memory foam from amazon, not overstock.

third question did we cover it.. again i said in the thread we covered it with a 100% wool mattress pad from OMI

4th question my wife and i are side sleepers she is 5'3" 115 pounds and i am 5' 8" 165 and i too am a side sleeper.

and no it does not sleep hot but that might be because of the wool mattress pad.

5th question was something about the 19 and 21 pushing back ..this is what i said in my thread again please slow down and read before asking all these questions that were already addressed. "we got rid of the 19 and 21 latax is that we could never get rid of that springy push back feeling."

i try to go into details about our experience to help others and if i have a suggestion i post it with great respect. We will try our best to help you out in all aspects of your mattress issues but please show some be mature and be respectful when asking or posting responses or questions

thank you

I am sorry if you feel that way. I am only being skeptic. After painful experiences you know one gets to be a cynic.

 I am still not clear on some things you mentioned. Like - did you purchase a separate topper pad for your sensus foam?

What does OMI mean? (seriously I don't know)

can you tell me what would a queen size wool topper that you bought cost there? If possible can you Please give me a link?

Or you just put a wool topper on the whole set up - mattress foundation/mattress/and the topper.

And is the link I gave that has a sensus foam - - you did not say if that is the same sensus foam that you bought from

You know the whole mattress choice is like a big puzzle and after going to several stores it has become even more puzzling and confusing.

Again I am sorry if I sound that way.

Many many thanks to you.

This message was modified Mar 3, 2011 by xyz1ab
Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #7 Mar 3, 2011 2:14 PM
Joined: Jan 26, 2011
Points: 32


no we just have the lago from OMI then the high density foam and then 2 inch memory foam and we put OMI wool mattress pad on top of the memory foam. i think the queen wool pad was 279.00  and we bought a cal king memory foam and cut it to fit our queen. we are now geting rid of the high density foam and just sticking with the 5 pound memory foam directly on top of the lago.

[memory foam:]::::the memory foam that we got from amazon is this

dont know if this is the same stuff overstock sells ive never bought anything from overstock that was any good, i think sandman bought some stuff from overstock that was good stuff you might try asking him if your set in buying from overstock.

 [OMI lago]::::::::and the lago from OMI is the 6 inches and 4 inches wiich makes up the 10 inch base mattress is this OMI is a high end bedding company

[OMI wool mattress pad:]::::::::and the wool mattress pad is from OMI

we have another memory foam that is just as good rates in a 5.2 pound (like tempurpedic) from here

no problem im a little cranky too just spent over $5200.00 trying to get that perfect mattress!

OMI does not do exchanges or returns that is why we had to custom make the lago because it turned out to be to hard for my wife.

good luck hope this info helps

This message was modified Mar 3, 2011 by chas0512
Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #8 Mar 4, 2011 7:04 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Aaron, have you tried 1" of your latex (19 or 21) under the Sensus?  That might be an option instead of the HD foam if you want just a bit more softness. 

I agree with you that adding some memory foam can help some people, especially side sleepers.   I definitely prefer to have 1-2" in the mix.

Most people have concluded that the Sensus from Overstock is the real thing.  However, it might be remnants or miss-sized or possibly returns.  The one advantage of overstock is that they sell 1" pieces.  That is hard to find elsewhere.   However, if I wanted a 2" piece or more, I would feel more comfortable ordering from Amazon or some other place.

Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #9 Mar 4, 2011 9:22 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 50
Thank you Chas0512. I have a couple of more questions.

1.  Why didn't you just buy Queen size sensus foam from Why you bought a bigger size?

2.  And the link you gave for wool topper for your sensus foam says that it is only a organic cotton topper and not a wool topper? So I am confused why did you say you got a wool topper for your sensus foam?

3. What are your stats - like your weight/sleeping position/any low back pain - sorry if I missed reading these. I just want to compare it with mine personal stats. (which are 6 feet tall/ 212 pounds/low back pain/sleep on the side) and see if this sensus topper works for me.

4. And suppose this sensus foam does not work - is it returnable if I get it from


Thank you so much. You have been very helpful ( some times I wonder our country which is supposed to be so advanced has so hard time making a comparatively simpler thing like a restful mattress! since people spend almost 1/3rd of their life sleeping why can't we have widely available good quality mattresses?)

Re: memory foam maybe it will help you
Reply #10 Mar 4, 2011 11:51 AM
Joined: Jan 26, 2011
Points: 32
hi sadman


yea we did try putting the latax under the memory foam but we needed something firmer and the wife didnt care for the springy latex so we went with the hd foam but now we are just back to putting the memory foam on top of the firm side of the lago and it seems to working just fine. we are now using the 2 inch 5 pound memory foam that we got from select and are comparing to the stuff we got at amazon and it seems that the selectfoam stuff doesnt get as warm and by morning it is still really supportive, im not saying the amazon stuff isnt good . it is , just seems the select foam memory foam seems to be working better ...  we will see how it holds up to long term. for now the bed is perfect.  thank god.

and thanks for all your help.



yes your right the pad is cotton im sorry to say wool its just that we have the wool under pad and the wool moisture pad so its wool . but your right the flannel cotton pad does not have wool. here is the link to all the products we use on the bed


im 5'8 wiegh 165 and i sleep on my side/back no prob with lower back pain since we have been using these memory foams the one from selectfoam seems to working better then the amazon. 

dont know if amazon does returns ive never checked but select foam offers a 90 day money back so i hope this helps.

reading back on your other post and thinking about your pain and mattress problems this is what i would try if i were you .. (BUT IM NOT TELLING YOU TO DO THIS) so dont rush out and buy this just take it as maybe a direction of choice.

i would buy 5 to 6 inches of firm dunlop or talalay like 40 or 44ild for the base

then i would buy 2 to 3 inches of 28ild talalay

then try 2 inches of 5 pound memory foam or 2 inches of 19 ild latex

this would give you good support but a soft pillow top feel because you weigh 212

i tried 2 inches of 14 ild latax and it was just the right support but hated the springy push back on my shoulder. that is why we went with memory foam. like i said this is just a suggestion. nobody can give you an exact bed out of a box and say this is what you need. JUST make sure whatever you decide it is returnable or exchange offers money back if your not happy in 30 days and they sell good quality talalay latex offers 90 day money back and they have good 5 pound 2 inch and 3 inch memory foam.

or try sleepez or flobebs ive talked with dewey over at flobeds he stands behind his product and wont stop until your happy or your money back.

good luck

oops forgot one of your questions .. the reason we bought a cal king is because sometimes we you buy a queen it is not the full 80x60 and my wife wanted to make sure . thus cutting it to fit our OMI mattress.

This message was modified Mar 4, 2011 by chas0512

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