My Flobed arrived yesterday!
Nov 18, 2010 10:59 AM
Joined: Mar 11, 2010
Points: 56
So, after I called to have my Costco Sleep Science latex mattress picked up, I order the Flobed and it arrived yesterday. I sleep on my stomach and was having terrible back pain on the Costco bed. Set up of the Flobed was easy, and I really like the cover. I have heard other say how luxurious it is, but I couldn't imagine what it was going to be like. It really is very nice.

My side is M/F/XF (I am 5'6" and 130), DH's side is F/XF/SF (6'4", 220+). While I didn't sleep well, it had more to do with me constantly evaluating the bed to see if it was better. This happened with the Costco bed too. Whenever I have something new, my mind can't relax and so I get little sleep. Tonight will probably be better. My side is firmer than the Costco mattress, but more comfortable. I also didn't have any back pain. It's only the first night, so I'll have to give it a month or so for a true eval. DH said that his side feels a little too firm. We both said that on the Costco bed, we still felt like we were in a well, but this one definately feels flat, and we both liked that about it.

I think we'll try it for a week and then trade sides just to see the difference so we know what we need to do. I'll post more as we get used to it.

Re: My Flobed arrived yesterday!
Reply #2 Nov 18, 2010 6:04 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Q119, congratulations on your new Flobed. It is so worth it to work on getting the layers right. I love my Flobed and I went firmer and firmer on mine.  I have XF/SF/SF on both sides of my bed but one side is a little softer due to the average ILD ratings differring per latex core.  I also sleep on standard latex pillows that keeps my neck aligned since I am not quite 5 feet.  I would give it several nights before switching out layers.  Then maybe you could switch DH's SF with your XF on the bottom to see if it softens up the bed for him and see if you like your side better with the firmer latex core on the bottom or you preferred it the way it was.  Please keep us updated.  When I tried softer, my back did not like it so now I feel my bed is so comfortable with a little bit of cushion on top from the topper (I switched mine to a 1" topper) and firmness with a little bit of give for my pressure points.

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