my Flobed (so far)
Feb 19, 2010 8:02 PM
Joined: Jan 10, 2010
Points: 42
I promised the helpful people here I would report back, so here's where we are 2.5 weeks after receiving our CalKing Natural Latex Flobed.

Me:  130 lb, fused spine, chronic lower back pain, side sleeper.  Starting configuration:  F/F/XF.
Husband:  210 lb, occasional ergonomic back pain, back sleeper.  Starting configuration F/XF/XF.

Night 1:  We initially set it up on the old boxsprings because we didn't have the platform bed yet.  BIG MISTAKE.  Neither of us slept.

Nights 2-3:  Covered the old base with plywood.  Better, but still much, much too soft.  Reconfigured to F/XF/F (me) and XF/F/XF (him).  Both woke up with back pain the next morning.

Night 4:  Removed the egg crate layer on the top.  He slept much better, but it was a complete disaster for me.

Night 5:  Replaced egg crate layer after moving all firmest layers as far up as possible.  XF/F/F (me), XF/XF/F (him).

After 2-3 nights I decided that this felt weird and hurt both the shoulders and the back, so moved mine back to F/XF/F which only hurt the lower back.  But still very uncomfortable for me.  Husband sleeping, but not happy.

Conclusion:  Mattress is obviously much much much too soft for us!  So we ordered a SF layer for him to replace the F.  But I'm worried about the shoulder vs hip problem.  Given my back issues Dave recommended an XF VZone customized to my back problem, with the hip support firmer than his regular vzone.

New layers arrived Monday.  His mattress is now XF/SF/XF and he is much, much happier.  We haven't moved these layers in the last 4 days.

My VZone is XF under the hips and lumbar region, but it had an M piece under the shoulders.  I swapped that with the head piece to get F under the shoulders.  I've slept much better on this and my lower back is much happier.  It still feels a little weird, as though my head is downhill from the rest of me, and I've had some neck and shoulder pain that may or may not be related to the mattress.   So I'll be moving the VZone components around for a while to see what I can make better.

We both still hate the eggcrate layer.  But I think we may need something that soft now that our bases are so firm.  I removed the mattress pad last night (thanks eagle) and that did feel a little better.  I also flipped the eggcrate upside down though I doubt that did much.  I'll give it a few more nights.

Re: my Flobed (so far)
Reply #3 Feb 19, 2010 10:04 PM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
Hi Linda,

Wow! I'm not competent to comment on Flobeds yet, but I'm SO glad you're reporting your experiences. It's very helpful to read all the different configurations and how each affects the way it feels to you.

I hope you're soon able to find the comfort you need. Please keep posting!
PS - I like eagle's advice on keeping a diary. I can see how easy it would be to get confused about which change produced which result.

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