My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Apr 18, 2010 9:50 AM
Joined: Jan 31, 2010
Points: 54
So far I have slept on my new FloBed for two nights, and it feels way firmer than I thought it would be.

I have it configured with soft over medium over firm cores.  I was advised that this is the best configuration because it gives me the most options if I want to adjust firmness. But I presume those options are for making it more firm, not less firm. 

Do you think I should consider exchanging the 2 firm pieces and 2 medium pieces for soft? Would that be way too soft?

Would soft over soft over soft be bad for my back?  If so, I wouldn't wanna get that for that reason alone.

Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #4 Apr 18, 2010 1:45 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
I agree to give it atleast another week on your current configuration before you decide to switch anything around.  I too found my latex bed too firm for my liking when I first got it, much firmer than what I had previously.  2 weeks later I was loving it, and still am. 
Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #5 Apr 18, 2010 2:10 PM
Joined: Mar 22, 2010
Points: 19
From my recent experience I would say that two nights are not long enough for your body to adjust.

Dont chase after windmills. Just get in the bed. Try to forget you have a new bed.  Clear your mind. Focus on allowing your body to relax.

Dont worry about it during the day. Relax. Put it out of your mind.

Then after  a reasonable amount of time, change if you must.

Im not sure what a reasonable time is, but some stores dont allow returns for 30 days.

Good luck.

Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #6 Apr 18, 2010 9:26 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I resisted the idea of firm, and at first found the bed firmer than I had envisioned wanting, yet found it to be the best for comfort and pain relief.  I suggest giving it a week, then if you are still not liking it, call Flobeds.
Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #7 Apr 19, 2010 6:01 PM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
the worst part of this process is you have to give it a while, two weeks at least, with me that means being in pain for 2 weeks


i am now finding problems after 6 weeks with latex that i dont understand...crazeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #8 Apr 20, 2010 10:00 PM
Joined: Jan 31, 2010
Points: 54
I got agitated at the firmness earlier this evening and then switched to soft over soft over medium on the side I sleep on.

It sure was a pain to switch the layers around. frown

I dread trying to vacuum-compress the layers I'm gonna be exchanging eventually, and finding boxes that they will fit in (the people who assembled my bed destroyed the boxes it came in).  I'm thinking vacuum-compressing may not be so easy as FloBeds' instructions make it appear. blush

Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #9 Apr 20, 2010 11:20 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Confusedbedbuyer, the vaccuum compressing is very easy as long as you have two people doing it.  When a new layer is sent to you, it will come in a box that you can use to send the old layer back in with the return postage label.  It was stressful switching the layers but worth it in the end since at least I was not stuck with a bed from the store that was too firm or too soft or gave me allergies.  I always liked very firm beds so I wish I started out very firm and did not listen to others telling me I need to go softer. Maybe you just like soft beds.  We are all built so differently.


Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #10 Apr 20, 2010 11:26 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
randy's, I only gave the latex configuration a few nights and then I knew if it was too soft or too firm. 
Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #11 Apr 21, 2010 12:16 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
I only weigh 105 lb and I found the soft/soft/medium configuration too soft for my back.  It felt great when I first went to bed but by 4-5 hours later my back was just in agony.


Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #12 Apr 21, 2010 1:31 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
confusedbedbuyer wrote:

I got agitated at the firmness earlier this evening and then switched to soft over soft over medium on the side I sleep on.

It sure was a pain to switch the layers around. frown

I dread trying to vacuum-compress the layers I'm gonna be exchanging eventually, and finding boxes that they will fit in (the people who assembled my bed destroyed the boxes it came in).  I'm thinking vacuum-compressing may not be so easy as FloBeds' instructions make it appear. blush

Confused, I made two returns to Flobeds.  First, when a convoluted topper was mis-marked queen when it was actually a king, Flobeds sent me a label to return it (free of charge of course).  Second time I made a layer exchange.  Both times it was VERY easy to compress the latex, it's nothing to be worried about.  As you know, the layer comes in two layers of plastic, a large bag and a slightly smaller one.

You just fold the layer in thirds and put it in the larger of the two bags.  Insert the tip of your vaccuum cleaner hose into the bag, hold the open end of the bag tight around the hose, and vacuum.  All the air is sucked out pretty rapidly and the whole thing shrinks like crazy.

Then put the bag with the compressed latex into the other plastic bag, and tap it shut.  There's really nothing to it and I managed this on my own without any help.  It's not only as easy as Flobeds instructions make it appear, it's even easier!

Re: My new FloBed - feeling way firmer than I thought it would be
Reply #13 Apr 21, 2010 2:12 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Dear Confused Bed Buyer:

This is a very apt name for this form, as all of us, at one time or another, were most assuredly confused, bewildered, and fearful.

I usually agree with Kimberly as she is an insightful and informative board member. But on this particular issue of ease of repackaging latex layers I must disagree. She is correct in saying it is easy, but she needs to include the statement, "once you get the hang of it!"

I know my wife and I struggled at first, but it seems fairly simple now. But that is after returning about four layers of latex. but do not  be fearful, if you get too hung up just give Dave or Dewey Turner a call and they will be glad to help you.

The thing that has me more concerned is that I'm afraid you may be falling into the same trap that I did. I was under the illusion that I wanted a softer mattress. Once I had acquired my softer pieces of latex I found that they were not what I really wanted after all because they did not give me adequate support. Now I understand that you are much lighter and shorter than I am, as I am 6 foot two and when I was first configuring my mattress I weight 210 pounds. So that definitely makes a difference. Couple that with the fact that I have, and have had for many years, an ongoing back problem that can flare up whenever I overuse it. And nowadays overuse comes very easily.

But this is the beauty of purchasing from FloBeds. They have the best exchange and return policy on the Internet, that I am aware of. You always want to include in a sentence like this, "that I am aware of" because the Internet is a very big place and I do not presume to thank that I know everything that is out there, far from it. But based upon the experience of the users on this forum and my own personal investigation I don't think you can go wrong with FloBeds from the standpoint of exchanges, and if all else fails, return of the mattress for 100% refund of your money.

Just give yourself plenty of time, and be patient. Whether you're testing out your mattress, or returning one of the layers.

You have my best wishes for a successful mattress experience.