8" Milan Latex mattress
Sep 6, 2008 7:24 PM
Joined: Sep 6, 2008
Points: 3
Hi,<BR><BR>I just ordered a platform bed with a slat foundation and am planning to replace my current innerspring mattress with a latex mattress. I have about $1,000 to work with. <BR><BR>I've tested the IKEA ERFJORD latex mattress at the store a few times and like it, but wanted to see if anyone was familiar with the Milan 8&quot; Latex Mattress from<BR>I can't find any reviews for it anywhere except for some very short comments on eBay from people who have purchased the mattress there (the same company appears to sell their products under the seller EuroSleep4Less). The manufacturer appears to be Somycol. Anyway, if anyone has any experience with the product, I'd appreciate your feedback.<BR><BR>Thanks.
This message was modified Sep 6, 2008 by jstaggie
Re: 8" Milan Latex mattress
Reply #6 Sep 16, 2008 1:24 PM
Joined: Sep 6, 2008
Points: 3
Thanks for the advice, but I really don't care if latex isn't the current "fashion". I've decided it's what I want. My question was requesting feedback about this specific mattress--if you have information on it, please let me know.
This message was modified Sep 16, 2008 by jstaggie

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