Need Advice Between 2 S&F Mattresses
Jan 19, 2011 11:46 AM
Joined: Jan 19, 2011
Points: 3
I need to purchase one of these mattresses this week and could use some advice on with one to choose.  The 2 are:

Cadbury Plush Queen:|93|1924|67412&N=4018920&Mo=28&No=8&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=67412&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&hierPath=93*1924*67412*&topnav=

Newgate Luxury Plush Queen:


I had my mind made up to purchase the Cadbury but, I am worried that the bed only has a 504 coil density as opposed to the Newgate which has a 825 coil density.  Should I be concerned with this?  Will the bed with more coils last longer?




This message was modified Jan 19, 2011 by ftlee20723
Re: Need Advice Between 2 S&F Mattresses
Reply #8 Mar 4, 2011 2:18 PM
Joined: Dec 5, 2010
Points: 10
Just an update, as promised (albeit a bit late)...

We were able to return our 6-month old mattress to Costco without any hassle. They picked it up at our house, and even covered return shipping. Although we were hugely disappointed with the Sealy mattress we bought there, Costco's return policy is truly exceptional.  We'll be replacing it with an all-latex mattress shortly...

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