Need assistance on where to start
Jan 5, 2010 3:53 PM
Joined: Jan 5, 2010
Points: 5
I"m currently sleeping on the floor via a sleeping bag.... I was going to get a loft bed but I was just informed that I won't have any place to store it once my temporary living arrangement is up. I am thinking about getting a foam bed instead since it would be easier to store as I'd be able to get it into my attic {it would fold to get in the hole}. However, in looking at this forum I'm not certain what I need to search on. I am just looking at getting the foam to place on the floor and I have no idea what level of firmness I like. I love my posturpedic at home but I have a habit of sleeping on top of comforter's cause I like the softness. My posterpedic is from before the advent of pillow tops and being if I were home for a long period of time would most likely invest in a topper as the mattress is still good. However, I'm currently away for an unspecified period of time (about a year) and need something that will be portable when I leave. I'm 5'8.5", 220 lbs, and generally sleep on my back/side. On the floor, the sleeping on my side is uncomfortable so I've switched to sleeping on my back with a towel rolled up under my lower back. It's actually not too uncomfortable but I want something more soft. Thanks.
Re: Need assistance on where to start
Reply #13 Jan 15, 2010 8:16 PM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
Base maybe around 6" or so.

Comfort layer thickness depends on sleeping position.  In general:

1"-2" stomach sleeping
2"-3" back sleeping
3"-4" side sleeping

However there are no hard and fast rules, you have to figure out what works best for you.  Start with a small amount and you can always add more if need be.
Re: Need assistance on where to start
Reply #14 Jan 22, 2010 12:32 PM
Joined: Jan 5, 2010
Points: 5
Thanks for your help... so I decided since I sleep hot that memory foam wouldn't be the way to go as I don't really need anything that will added to by already high body heat. Base: 4" Firm High Density type Foam Core: 2-4" 26-36 ILD Dunlop Latex Top: 1-2" 10-20 ILD Talay Latex Dunlop due to the inherent processing of it being firmer on bottom than on top. The foam on the bottom to reduce costs. I know that it'll wear down eventually and it'll have to be replaced. Talay on top as that's the softest "type". I figure I mainly need all the padding for when I am on the side as my current setup (.25 yoga mat, yoga blanket, zipped sleeping bag, Queen size fleece blanket folded in 3rds) which is roughly 6 inches is comfy when sleeping on my back. It's not comfy when on my side and it's ok when I'm on my stomach. I figure if I get the Dunlop layer first I can figure out if I really need something firmer under neath it.
Re: Need assistance on where to start
Reply #15 Jan 22, 2010 9:35 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
pucelle wrote:
Thanks for your help... so I decided since I sleep hot that memory foam wouldn't be the way to go as I don't really need anything that will added to by already high body heat. Base: 4" Firm High Density type Foam Core: 2-4" 26-36 ILD Dunlop Latex Top: 1-2" 10-20 ILD Talay Latex Dunlop due to the inherent processing of it being firmer on bottom than on top. The foam on the bottom to reduce costs. I know that it'll wear down eventually and it'll have to be replaced. Talay on top as that's the softest "type". I figure I mainly need all the padding for when I am on the side as my current setup (.25 yoga mat, yoga blanket, zipped sleeping bag, Queen size fleece blanket folded in 3rds) which is roughly 6 inches is comfy when sleeping on my back. It's not comfy when on my side and it's ok when I'm on my stomach. I figure if I get the Dunlop layer first I can figure out if I really need something firmer under neath it.

That sounds reasonable.
Be sure and let us know how it works out!
My only reservation is that I myself can never have more than 1.5" or so of soft foam under me, it causes back pain. In fact, usually 1" is enough it seems to me and anything more than that doesn't work for me. It seems that it works for some people to have more softness, but that is my experience. So if you end up with back pain, try removing some layers off the top.
Please report back how it works out for you!
Re: Need assistance on where to start
Reply #16 May 4, 2010 5:24 PM
Joined: Apr 12, 2010
Points: 52
bluesnowfall wrote:

You might want to go to the thread " Suggest A Tempurpedic" .   I posted some info there that would get you headed in the right direction.

I don't see any post by you in that thread started by me!

You only have 1 post and that is this you posted here.