Need to buy a new mattress
Dec 11, 2007 4:43 AM
Joined: Dec 11, 2007
Points: 2
HI, I am new to the forum.  Hubby and I bought a Sealy Influence king size mattress a year and a half ago and it was a very firm mattress.  Hubby did not like it.  We have given that mattress set to our 14 year old son.  Two weeks ago, hubby and I went and bought a Select Comfort 5000 king size bed.  I HATE it.  Hubby likes it, doesn't love it but he likes it much better than the Sealy.  The select comfort I feel is a glorified air mattress and it is hurting at the top of my spinal cord along my shoulder area.  I called Select comfort today and they are coming to get it in about a week.   Testing that mattress is costing us about $400. 

Now I am in search of a new mattress set.  I went to a Serta store and really didn't like any of them.  I did go to another mattress store that carried several brands and really like the Simmons Beautyrest Black.  The king size is about $2,800 and I am going to try and get the manager to go down a little on that price.  I did try the Tempurpedic and we both did not like that.  We like a firm but a little soft mattress.  The salesman lead us to the Simmons and we both liked it.  I need to check out Sealys before we make our decision.  Anyone have any advice for us?  I didn't realize how hard making a decision on a mattress would be. 



Re: Need to buy a new mattress
Reply #1 Dec 11, 2007 8:23 AM
Joined: Nov 25, 2007
Points: 53
Some of us would avoid the S-brand mattresses due to many reports of the cheap polyurethane foams breaking down prematurely resulting in hammocking and discomfort.  That said, there are PU foams which will hold up over time and the Beautyrest Black is Simmons top of the line and may use them.

Get the store to print out the specification sheet on the mattress, see if you can determine the density of the foam used, if it is greater than 2.2pcf you are probably OK.

I encourage any corrections from forum members.

Re: Need to buy a new mattress
Reply #2 Dec 11, 2007 10:02 AM
Joined: Sep 3, 2007
Points: 167
I think the problem is that SOFT PU foam does not exist over 2lbs, and the S-brands will not generally go to the expense of ALL latex in the top layers. They'll throw in some memory foam, but that'll only last 3-5 years, too. Besides, I think the S-brands have all adopted a short lifespan strategy, and the warantees aren't worth the paper they're written on. If I were to consider an S-brand, I'd simply buy a fairly firm mattress without much padding, and add my own toppers. At least that way, you could replace it (if needed) every so often. If the topper were all latex, then it wouldn't need replacing for 15 years or so.
Re: Need to buy a new mattress
Reply #3 Dec 11, 2007 2:21 PM
Joined: Dec 11, 2007
Points: 2
Thank you so much for your replies.  I am going to the mattress store tommorrow and going to check it all out.  I had done some research and found that the latex pillowtop is the best.  Who makes a mattress with a latex pillowtop?  For some reason, I think I remember the sales guy telling me that the pillow top was latex but I am going to make sure before I buy.  The Sealy Influence that we had did not have a pillowtop and it was a very HARD mattress.  I did buy a really thick pillowtop mattress cover for it but hubby still did not like it.  I just don't want to end up buying another hard mattress. 

Thanks again!!!!1

Re: Need to buy a new mattress
Reply #4 Dec 11, 2007 2:37 PM
Joined: Nov 25, 2007
Points: 53
Consider all latex options from forum sponser FloBeds or internet based SleepEZ.  Their component approach allows you fine tune your mattress for your needs and you'll end up with a bed that will last for many years.

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