Need Help with SleepEZ 13,000 Layers Please
Jan 18, 2011 2:11 PM
Joined: Dec 16, 2010
Points: 11
I’m trying to decide on the combo of layers for a 13,000 Ca King latex mattress from SleepEZ, and desired some input.  I’m 430 lbs, male, and sleep alone (correlation? LOL).  I was planning on having it made in a dual firmness (more on that later) to help me dial in the most comfortable combination of layers, and also to provide versatility to make future changes easier if needed. 

I currently sleep on an aged “S” brand firm mattress, with a cheap 3” (2.2 lb?) memory foam layer on top.  It’s actually not too bad. 

I talked with Shawn <sp> at SleepEZ, and his reco was all Dunlop as follows:

Side 1             Side 2

Med                Med

Firm                Med

Xtra Firm       Xtra Firm

Xtra Firm       Xtra Firm

I’m concerned that this combo might be a little too firm for me?  Shawn stated I should avoid any Soft layers, as my weight would blow right through any soft layers right down to the next layer.  I agree, but was thinking a couple of layers in Talalay might be beneficial.  He also stated that Talalay would not hold up as well longer term, as Dunlop. 

I’ve only field tested a couple of 3x3” (Savvy Rest) latex mattresses, their construction was:

Savvy Bed #1

Soft - Talalay

Soft - Dunlop

Med - Dunlop


Savvy Bed #2

Soft - Talalay

Med – Dunlop

Firm – Dunlop

I actually liked the feel of Bed #1, with Bed #2 feeling a little too firm (I have to go back and test them both again to be sure).  They also have the Englander brand, but I haven’t tried them yet…as I imagined it wouldn’t provide a comparable reference to help me.

I was thinking roughly of a combo such as:

Side #1

Med – Talalay

Med – Dunlop

Firm - Dunlop

Xtra Firm - Dunlop


Side #2

Med – Talalay

Firm – Talalay

Xtra Firm Talalay

Xtra Firm Dunlop 


Any input on layering would be greatly appreciated.

I was planning on having the top layer made in two pieces so I could swap them around easier if needed.  Would a two piece top layer really feel seamless?

Considering my situation, which latex would you folks recommend?  100% Talalay, blended Talalay or Dunlop?

Thanks so much in advance, as I realize this is a very subjective issue...

Re: Need Help with SleepEZ 13,000 Layers Please
Reply #3 Jan 19, 2011 8:58 AM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
Also, I'd recommend that you get the cotton cover rather than the standard wool cover that sleepez typically uses. Wool is nice but wool in a cover compresses and leads to body impressions. I just replaced mine after only 2 years. If you decide you want wool do it in a separate layer that can be washed / fluffed / evened out.I actually like the cotton cover better and its cheaper too!


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