New Bed causes lower back pain
Nov 10, 2009 7:21 AM
Joined: Nov 10, 2009
Points: 2
Hi Everybody,

I recently bought a new mattress and it seemed fine in the store but after sleeping on it for a few nights I get pretty nasty lower back pain.  It's focused on my spine slightly above my glutes but seems to dimish somewhat by morning and doesn't bother me during the day.  The mattress I replaced was well worn with a pretty nasty depression in the middle and was stack on two box springs. 

Is my pain just a left-over from going to really bad matterss to new mattress or is this the wrong matterss for me?
Re: New Bed causes lower back pain
Reply #4 Nov 15, 2009 8:44 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I agree with Kait.
If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's probably a duck!
If you wake up in the morning with your back hurting and then it gets better during the day, either you have a condition where your joints get stiff during the night or something like that, or your mattress is screwing you up.

However, having said that, I will back up a bit and say that sometimes it does take a week or a month to fully adjust to a new mattress but it shouldn't be a majro difference, like giving you bad back pain vs. feeling like sleeping on a cloud. That is, it might be that you get more comfortable with it after a week or a month, but it shouldn't really HURT you the first week or month.

A friend told me that when he switched from his old saggy mattress to the new one, his back did hurt for a while and then it got better and now he's fine with it. So that CAN happen. But I don't think it was killing him, I think it was just not perfectly comfortable at first, for him. So therein is the difference.

My best GUESS would be that your Serta has too much cheap soft foam in it and you are sinking down too much into it, in the hip area and that is causing you to have lower back pain. I would exchange it for the firmest mattress they have, then try putting some latex on top, some very soft latex as a topper - 1 to 2". Preferably get 2 x 1" layers of different ild's then you can mix and match to get the right firmness. Try for the latex. Or wherever.

If that still doesn't work then you can try mattress surgery... which isn't nearly as "serious" or scary as it sounds!

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