Let me start by saying thanks so much for this forum and all the contributors. I've been learning a lot!!! Thanks Has anyone seen this topper on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Plush-7-Zone-Mattress-Topper/dp/B005ZHITMY/ref=pd_sbs_hg_9 doesn't give a whole lot of info except the 7 zone??? and a plush 20-25 ild. Any thoughts on the quality or the "7 zone" effect. I'm in the works of building a new mattress for myself and wife. I'm 5'9 160 she is 5'7 140. We are both side sleepers, and she will also sleep on her stomach now and again. I've been looking at a set up something like this:
Support layer: 4" HD36 HQ or HD LUX HQ from foamdistributing.com Comfort layer: 3" Talalay latex 20 ild or 32 ild from usafoam.com or 3" 7 zone latex topper from amazon 1" Super soft foam from foamdistributing.com Top layer: 2" Classic brands latex foam topper from walmart 2" super soft foam from foamdistributing.com
We both seem to lean more for a firm than soft mattress. I ordered the walmart mattress topper to give it a "free" trial run on top of our current mattress. This will give us a feel for latex and if its no good we can return it for 100% refund.
I'll be sure to put up a review of the mattress for everyone. Hopfully with pictures. Any thoughts are always welcome
Thanks again
thanks for the thoughts. I was planning on ordering the parts at diiferent times. Like you said, I'll start with that support layer and than put the walmart 2" on top of that and add layers as nessasary. I guess I'll have to wait and see the qualty of the walmart topper though. Good thing is I can allways return it there and it was free shipping to store. If nothing els it will give me a "feel" for what it's like to sleep on latex. Why do you think it such bad quality, just becaues it's from walmart?? Or do you think I'll get the same quality a FBM since theirs are about the same price? |
That's the thing, it won't even give you a feel for what it's like to sleep on latex, or any latex that I've ever tried anyway. And I've even tried (what i thought was) the cheapest, lowest grade out there without a problem. I don't mind cheap memory foam smells, & can handle sleeping on really firm foams. But I would have at most been able to use a couple of these for base layers, maybe, if I could handle the smell. Paint fume smell worse than any memory foam or urethane, much less latex, & it never went away. Felt nothing like any Dunlop or talalay, natural or otherwise I've ever tried. Not the vanilla smell, not the mild sterilized smell of synthetic, but straight up paint fumes. But apparently some people like whatever it is, assuming not all the positive reviews are shills (they did let some negative reviews go through, but mine was deleted). And there's at least one member here who liked it, so who knows? Give it a try- if you like it, great, but in case you don't, just don't let that be your official latex audition. Try fbm if not slab next in case you don't like it. I took a chance for the same reason you did, free ship & no hassle return at Wal-Mart. Who knows, maybe I just got a really bad example.