new reviews?
Oct 31, 2007 11:35 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2007
Points: 35
I was wondering if we could have some reviews from folks who have been sleeping on their mattress for a full year or more. Honestly, I enjoy all the reviews, but would love to hear from folks who have really experienced the bed for a period of time. After 1 year one should know if their mattress is and has remained all they hoped for. I would rnjoy knowing what these folks love or hate about their purchases.  It would also help those of us who are new to our particular beds to know what to watch out for. Thanks in Advance
Re: new reviews?
Reply #5 Nov 2, 2007 11:39 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2007
Points: 35
This is all great info. I was considering the sealy latex before I purchased my Spring Air.  Then I found out that the Sealy latex is 100% synthetic.  That closed my mind to that brand. I just feel that at least some natural latex  is better.  I am glad to have read a review from someone who felt they had to change their once rave review. This helps us all learn.  

As far as replacing a mattress goes, I don't care if the mattress company has to replace the mattress 3 times in the 10 warranty period. If I get a new mattress every 2 or 3 years because their product failed, great! I would demand the company stand behind the warranty they put in place. After that time , I will be happy to buy a new mattress. After spending over $2000 on a mattress, it had better hold up as the company promised! I am a big believer in making the company put their money where their warranty is, and going public if they don't.

It is also interesting to me to note the need to change configurations over time. I guess this is something that just occurs with age, injuries and such. I am grateful that we have options like latex and memory foam toppers to help us get comfortable. I guess we need to accept the changes in our bodies and go with the flow. This is why, if I had to do it again, I would go with a flo-bed kit. I like the idea of changing the layers around as needed or adding different layers.  Alas, I live and learn.

Thank you all for the great help. Anyone else out there? I would love to hear about it.

Re: new reviews?
Reply #6 Nov 24, 2007 7:25 PM
Joined: Nov 21, 2007
Points: 9
Sealy Reflexion Huntington. After a LONG time researching, after suffering from severe body depressions in our last Serta expensive King after only a few years, we decided Latex was the way to go. So we bought the Huntington, as it seemed to be the right firmness, felt great, and was a decent (not cheap) price.

For the first 6 months it was heaven! We turned it on a regular basis, as recommended. Then we noticed a little bit of depressions, but not terrible. After about a year, the depressions were very noticeable.

Now, not quite 3 years later, the bed has noticeable body impressions and we wake up every morning sore and with aches. Somehow in all of my reading, researching, etc. I did not discover that Sealy uses less that great latex, and they put a PU comfort later on top that breaks down pretty quickly. So we're looking again, and consider our $1300 to be money out the window. Ugh