Not sure this DIY foam set-up is working...
Aug 28, 2009 9:30 AM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
Well, i guess this is what i get from trying to go cheap...! My set-up is:

3" HD36-HQ
1 1/2" eggcrate HD36
1 1/2" eggcrate supersoft

It feels comfortable initially, but i have been awakening in the night just NOT comfortable...feeling pressure points, and just feeling like it's too *hard*..I'm not sinking into the cush like i'd like to (i guess there's not a whole lot of cush on it--yet). Last night i gave up and hauled my old innerspring (Englander, love it, but too much motion transfer!) over the foam setup, and LOVED sinking into--yet being supported by--the innerspring mattress. My foam setup keeps reminding me of ZZZZZsplease's remark that she felt as if she were on a 'mushy slab of concrete'!

But, maybe it can be remedied. I've ordered 1" of latex (soft) and 1" of Sensus memory foam, and a CuddleBed. But i'm thinking that i'm really missing the 'flex' i get from the innerspring mattress...Maybe an all latex core/toppers would help with this? Of course, i just shelled out money that i would LIKE not to go to waste...But i also would love something with some 'give' and with no motion.

*sigh*. Maybe i should have gone with latex the whole time?
Re: Not sure this DIY foam set-up is working...
Reply #5 Aug 30, 2009 5:14 PM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
hi jim

thanks for the response. We'll see what happens..I should receive the topper layers this week. Might have to do the two-bed thing at some point! Hey, it's better for intimacy than the two-room thing, which is what we're doing right now! And when you're tired there's really not a lot of chance for intimacy, anyway, so it pays to get good sleep.

Why did my friend's foam mattress feel so darned comfortable? Is it because the foam (1.8 density soy-based foam) was a lower density and a lower firmness--thus will break down more quickly? It was so 'giving' and soft, not a cement feeling like the foam i have now...

Will report back this week!

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