Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
I got the Cal king Novaform comfortluxe mattress from Costco FYI I am 6'5 215lbs and the mattress is setup on the floor. Initially the mattress was very very hard. I found I had to wait 72 hours for it to really decompress. Then, to soften it I walk/hoped(!) all over it many times probably a total of 20 minutes and this helped it soften up. While I find the bed initially very comfortable I have a problem with it. When I warm up the comfort layer,I think I sink through that layer and my hips sit on the support layer which is not comfortable and is in fact hard. this is exactly what happened to me with my cheaperpediic I built! It has only been 1 week so I will give it a couple more days. Otherwise, is memory foam simply not something us larger humans can use? Is Latex from Sleepez what I need to do? This message was modified Dec 6, 2007 by novahelp
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
And this one is 5" thick of memory foam and 7" of support layer! geesh, i am beginning to feel fat or something :) |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
I have had the same experience with memory foam. Latex has been much better. Costco has a wonderful return policy. |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
That's why i decided to try this bed from Costco, because I knew they would take it back for a COMPLETE refund. So what did you end up doing for a latex bed? |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
The perfect latex/PU foam mattress Well, it's a start any way. |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
I purchased my latex layers from FoamByMail and I use their Lux PU foam as the core. I got a cheap velour cover from ebay which works fine for me. FBM has only 2 ILDs of latex; soft and medium. I bought 3" of each. As I mentioned in another thread, I think I may have prefered 4" of mediun and 2" of soft. And I might throw in 2" of FBM 36ILD HQ foam for good measure. |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
I noticed you guys used lots of different types of foams. Wow. Why didn't you just build a complete latex bed? |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
Several people have tried for a perfect all-latex mattress, but only a few have achieved it. If you look at old threads here, you'll see that many people have trouble getting the support needed with latex. It's just too rubbery. |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
Cost. The price for a latex core starts around $900. |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
Then how does SleepEZ do it with their beds? |
Re: Novaform Comfortluxe Review/thoughts and a question
novahelp, I am 6'6" and 240. My core is 5.6" of ILD 40 (not the most firm available) Latex International Talatech (blend), and I am well satisfied with the support I get from it. In fact, my problem has been softening things up enough on top. I haven't personally tried using a urethane core, but I believe it should be a less expensive way of achieving a very similar feel to all latex. |