And now it arrival
Nov 24, 2009 8:49 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
Rhapsody delivered last night (Tempurpedic)

I was sleeing on EMMA or the 10 inch sleep science version sold at Costco and wasnt all that unhappy with it, but had to try the big boy

Last night was the worst night I have had in months...all of my bad back areas were hurting.

Now, the installers warned me that the bed had been in a cold warehouse and therefore stiffer than normal, that it would take a while to warm up and get into its normal condition...

So, I am hoping that is it, as it is really stiff, so I turned the heat way up and will leave it up all day...

Fortunately I have a 90 day refund option available, I lose $150 only  and since it cost over $4000, that is a good thing...

I will keep you informed as to how it goes, fingers crossed.
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #1 Nov 24, 2009 10:05 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Over $4000?  Did you get a king size?  The queen size with foundation is $3300 in my neck of the woods.

Keep us posted.  I'll be most interested in hearing how you like the bed over time.
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #2 Nov 24, 2009 11:09 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
randys wrote:
Rhapsody delivered last night (Tempurpedic)

I was sleeing on EMMA or the 10 inch sleep science version sold at Costco and wasnt all that unhappy with it, but had to try the big boy

Last night was the worst night I have had in months...all of my bad back areas were hurting.

Now, the installers warned me that the bed had been in a cold warehouse and therefore stiffer than normal, that it would take a while to warm up and get into its normal condition...

So, I am hoping that is it, as it is really stiff, so I turned the heat way up and will leave it up all day...

Fortunately I have a 90 day refund option available, I lose $150 only  and since it cost over $4000, that is a good thing...

I will keep you informed as to how it goes, fingers crossed.

It will only get softer and less supportive. If it doesn't feel good on the first night, it is very unlikely to feel better later.
For me, the regular Tempurpedic felt good for the first 2-3 nights or so, then got worse and worse until it was killing me. I don't hold much hope for this mattress for you, if it doesn't feel good on the first night.

IF I am right on this, then I would say your back and needs may well be similar to mine. In which case, your next step should be to buy a low-cost extra firm mattress with good springs and then do mattress surgery to add your own quality foams.

However it works out, good luck!
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #3 Nov 25, 2009 6:30 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
it is too firm, that is the problem....i have low back problems and scoliosis, so low back pain and upper back, my mattress cant be too firm or too soft, lower back needs support and upper back needs softness...thus, my personal mattress hell...

cost is $3799 with foundation, standard price, when you add tax that is over $4100

2nd night better than first but still issues...called temp they said it could take a few days for it to respond to my body, that if i take the mattress cover off it will work better

having the 90 day full refund deal is great, worst thing that can happen is i have a few uncomfortable nights...
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #4 Nov 25, 2009 6:43 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Yeah, stick with it for a few weeks.  I have heard that the tempurpedics, if they have been stored cold, can be like a slab of rock.  Give it some time to thaw out and soften.  Also, I've heard that they soften a bit over the first few months.  I've spent a lot of time lying in various showrooms on the Rhapsody, and it did feel really good.  Very firm, yet with just enough yield to eliminate pressure points.

Keep us posted!
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #5 Nov 25, 2009 9:08 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Of course, I did not sleep on the Rhapsody, it was just a regular Tempur. But for me, it started out very firm but that was good. I liked it. Then within just a few days it got soft, too soft. But - here's the problem I fear you may encounter - it kept getting softer and softer. My experience with many types of "memory foam" is that they all get softer and softer as the months go by. Tempur is supposed to be the best of all memory foams so maybe this one you have will not get softer and softer. I am curious to see what your experience with it will be.
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #6 Nov 25, 2009 1:34 PM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
jimsocal wrote:
Of course, I did not sleep on the Rhapsody, it was just a regular Tempur. But for me, it started out very firm but that was good. I liked it. Then within just a few days it got soft, too soft. But - here's the problem I fear you may encounter - it kept getting softer and softer. My experience with many types of "memory foam" is that they all get softer and softer as the months go by. Tempur is supposed to be the best of all memory foams so maybe this one you have will not get softer and softer. I am curious to see what your experience with it will be.

my son had that experience but it was when he weighed over 350 lbs

weighs much less now, thank god...i weigh 180 so not sure if it will happen to me or not

i just took the cover off as was recommended and confirmed with the retailer that doing so wont interefere with the return policy
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #7 Dec 2, 2009 8:25 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
AFter 9 nights on the Rhapsody I am still having back pain that I didnt have with the $800 Sleep Science/Costco am returning it and getting Bellafina to try next....

I am hoping that the HD material is what is not working for me and the Bellafina will resolve it, if not I will go to the Deluxe after that.

It is $2700 more to add the ergo adjustable base, this may be the only way, ultimately, to resolve my issues, we shall see

(when i experiment with the adjustable base, the comfot level increases tremendously)
This message was modified Dec 2, 2009 by randys
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #8 Dec 2, 2009 11:28 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Was the Rhapsody too hard? Too soft? Can you elaborate?
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #9 Dec 3, 2009 10:24 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
It took me about 30 days to get used to my Allura.  I've had it for 6 months now and am loving it more and more.  This bed is actually getting better over time, unlike my latex.  I loved my latex and thought I made a mistake going to tempur.  The support is night and day difference.  I like a softer bed, so I walked on it until it felt like it did in the store.  I don't agree with softening you lose your support (The opposite actually).  I know people who've had their's for over 10 years that looks new.  I think your making a mistake by not giving it more time.  Of course I have mine on the adjustable base which I feel is as important as the mattress itself.
Re: And now it arrival
Reply #10 Dec 3, 2009 11:38 AM
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Points: 93
randys wrote:
AFter 9 nights on the Rhapsody I am still having back pain that I didnt have with the $800 Sleep Science/Costco am returning it and getting Bellafina to try next....

I am hoping that the HD material is what is not working for me and the Bellafina will resolve it, if not I will go to the Deluxe after that.

It is $2700 more to add the ergo adjustable base, this may be the only way, ultimately, to resolve my issues, we shall see

(when i experiment with the adjustable base, the comfot level increases tremendously)

Randy, you problably mentioned in another thread, i've been following a ltitle, but remind me what was the problem with the $800 S.S. from costco- considering that one did NOT give you back pain?  Similarly, to goodsleep- you loved you latex, what prompted you to change?  It started out hard, & you if you loved it, it didn't get soft all of a sudden did it?

M.F. is barely a consideration at this point to me, i'm just curious in gneral reading around what works/doesn't work for different folks.


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