Numbness with latex mattress
Jun 1, 2009 6:13 AM
Joined: Jun 1, 2009
Points: 1
We recently transitioned from springs to a $2,500 latex matress. While I never had this problem with springs, I find that I sometimes wake up (I'm a side sleeper) with numbness in my fingers, which quickly goes away. My neighbor recently bought a latex and both report the same thing. My wife, however, has no problems with numbness. While my neighbors are slightly overweight, I'm 6-1 and 210 pounds. Anybody else out there with this problem?
Re: Numbness with latex mattress
Reply #10 Jun 4, 2009 12:37 PM
Joined: May 22, 2009
Points: 64
Philly888 wrote:
Flobeds sells a natural latex version of its pillow. It looks exactly the same, i.e., pincore, but instead of being called Latex Pincore it's called 100% Natural Latex, You wouldn't have seen it following the link I posted because it gets filtered out when looking at standard size pillows. Try this link for queen size pillows and you'll see a natural latex that sells for $59:  (Or is this the &quot;Dunlopillo 10 ILD Talalay latex&quot; that's too soft?)</p><p>Philly888

Hmm, I emailed customer service about that very pillow and they told me it was blended talalay. In fact, they said that all of their pincore pillows are blended talalay. Maybe the person who answered my question was confused...or maybe they recently stopped selling the 100% version.
Re: Numbness with latex mattress
Reply #11 Jun 4, 2009 9:53 PM
Joined: Mar 10, 2008
Points: 30
Zzzzzzzspleaze wrote:
Hmm, I emailed customer service about that very pillow and they told me it was blended talalay. In fact, they said that all of their pincore pillows are blended talalay. Maybe the person who answered my question was confused...or maybe they recently stopped selling the 100% version.

Flobeds' customer service must have heeded you and updated their website:  today that "100% Natural Latex" pillow that in its pic looked just like the "Latex Pincore" is no longer listed. It's gone.


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