Okay adding a topper to my SleepEZ, what to buy
Feb 9, 2012 12:22 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2011
Points: 6
I bought a SleepEZ 10,000 in April 2010 (Dun Firm, Tal Med, Tal Soft).  By December, I was having lots of lower back pain and sore shoulders.  I played around with the configuration.  The mattress ended up on the floor and I turned over the medium talalay layer (tag facing down now) and rotated it 180 degrees.  My back pain has gotten better.  I have a feeling there is a very slight imperfection in that layer near the seam and about 1/3 of the way down the mattress.  Its just me using the mattress.  I don't have any idea how I would locate and proove a 1/4 inch depression in a 3" layer of foam.  Maybe I can train a team of ants to walk the mattress and measure the grade; but I think I'll just live with it instead. 


Anywho.  My back pain is better, but my shoulders are still a little bit sore on the top, and everything I've read seems to indicate that the mattress is a bit too firm for the top half of my body.  Will it work to add a single topper of all ILD 20 topper?  Or will I make it too soft at the hip and go back to having back pain?  I can get a zone topper from FBM, but its pricier.  I have no problem spending extra for a good night sleep, but I hate to do that needlessly.

This message was modified Feb 9, 2012 by thewayiseethings
Re: Okay adding a topper to my SleepEZ, what to buy
Reply #1 Feb 9, 2012 1:50 PM
Joined: Dec 23, 2011
Points: 82
I'd be leary of adding more soft latex to the 3" you already have. A few questions below which may help get you some answers from some of the more experienced people on this board.

1. Did you have any back pain or shoulder issues before getting this mattress?

2. Do you get a good night's sleep on this mattress?

3. At what point did you start suspecting the mattress is too firm?

4. Do you have any idea who manufactured the medium layer you suspect being bad?

5. Have you contacted sleepez to see if they'll work with you regarding this suspected bad layer? I do believe it's worth a shot.

6. Why is the mattress now on the floor?

This message was modified Feb 9, 2012 by megalops
Re: Okay adding a topper to my SleepEZ, what to buy
Reply #2 Feb 13, 2012 10:57 AM
Joined: Dec 29, 2011
Points: 6
All of this information is in my previous post.
Re: Okay adding a topper to my SleepEZ, what to buy
Reply #3 Feb 14, 2012 3:57 PM
Joined: Feb 2, 2012
Points: 9
thewayiseethings wrote:

All of this information is in my previous post.

Wow, such a good way to get help.  Also, not all of the answers were in your original post. Check again.

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