Does anyone have (good / bad / indifferent) feedback about Oodles (Latex "noodles") --VERDICT is IN!!!
Sep 21, 2009 6:41 PM
Joined: Sep 21, 2009
Points: 15
Hi everyone - I posted a question about this in the previous topic about toppers, but I thought it might get buried there. So I thought I'd start a new one since I'm specificaly interested in whether anyone has experience with Oodles products.

For a variety of reasons, i need a new mattress topper. I was thinking of getting the 2" latex topper from to see how it worked. But while searching tonight, I ran across these "Oodles" products. (Actually they appear to use the infinity symbol (\infty) instead of 'O's in the product name).

I've tested and LOVED shredded latex pillows for the loft and "down alternative" feel.  Apparently Oodles makes pillows AND toppers using latex pellets they call 'springs,' and some kind of natural corn fiber???. (I worry about allergies with the corn fibers... I wonder if there is any info on that anywhere...) I was curious if anyone had tried them. I hadn't seen any mention of them, and in fact when I searched the forum - nothing came up. Maybe they're really new?

Anyway - Costco has the pillows for around $30.00. And I found a 2" topper online ( ?!?) for around $107 for a King size. It's obviously more expensive than a Cuddlebed, but  about $75 less than, say, an ECO topper at Overstock.

If anyone has experience with this, I'd love to hear.  

This message was modified Oct 13, 2009 by SKeeter
Re: Oodles (Latex "noodles") topper
Reply #19 Oct 4, 2009 6:24 AM
Joined: Aug 1, 2009
Points: 175
Yesterday morning I unmade the bed and stared at the Oodles topper for a bit. I think that hand-sewing some baffles in might help even out the poofs and craters, though not as much as if the topper had been constructed better to begin with. Maybe I'll try that at some point; maybe not.

I put my light fiber bed on top of the Oodles topper and remade the bed, and slept on it that way last night.  I think that having the fiber bed on top of the Oodles topper helps even out the poofs and craters in it. (Both products have elastic skirts that tuck under the mattress and help spread the products out by pulling them  to the mattress edges.)

I wasn't aware of sinking into any craters last night or of shifting around to find poofier areas. I was also really tired, though, and zonked out pretty well.

Since yesterday, I've had a backache from something unrelated to what I'm sleeping on, so for now, I can't tell how well this topper combo is working in that regard. In another day or two, I'll have a better idea.

My shoulders felt fine (not crunched), and my hands & arms were not asleep when I woke up this morning, so that's something.

SKeeter, if you've already ordered another Oodles topper, you might like it with your CuddleBed on top of it; the combo should provide plenty of cush if this setup takes care of the cratering-at-the-baffles problem. If you haven't ordered it yet, I'm not sure if I'd recommend it. Might depend on how cheap you could get it.

Re: Oodles (Latex "noodles") topper
Reply #20 Oct 5, 2009 5:13 AM
Joined: Aug 1, 2009
Points: 175
Another good night's sleep with the current topper combo (light fiber bed, on top of Oodles topper, on top of 1" 24ILD Talatech topper, all on top of firm innerspring).

No backache this morning (from the bed or other reasons). No crunched shoulders. No limbs asleep when I woke up. Didn't sleep hot, even though I hauled out the comforter last night. (I have the thermostat set to go down to 62F at night, and here in upstate NY, it is getting nippy outside.)

Still possible that the current setup will turn out to be a little too soft & cushy (& cause some lower-back pain) -- it's only been a few nights -- but right now, it feels great.

I might have a different problem now: getting out of bed in the morning. I might have to go back to setting an alarm clock!

SKeeter, let us know what you think about the Oodles topper, if you order it again, or what you try instead, if you don't.

Re: Does anyone have (good / bad / indifferent) feedback about Oodles (Latex "noodles") pillows & toppers?
Reply #21 Oct 5, 2009 9:31 PM
Joined: Sep 21, 2009
Points: 15
Hi Cath -

Thanks so much for your detailed reports. It makes me optimistic for the topper that is no doubt winging it's way across the country (as we type) to my home in NW Washington State.   I ordered it from BonTon like you did - they seemed to be the only place that had any left in stock. Who knows, maybe I'll get another cancel order, but so far just waiting for it to arrive. I don't have any latex layers, so I'll keep that in mind if I don't get enough support from the Oodles and Cuddlebed. Hey - that makes me wonder (if you decide you need to tweak things again) whether a reordering of the layers might add more support - i.e. latex on top? Hmmm...

Well have a lovely night. I love cool nights for sleeping, and it's getting nippy here too. Yay!

I'll report again when I have my topper. Toodles till I get my Oodles. (Hee hee!)


Re: Oodles (Latex "noodles") topper
Reply #22 Oct 6, 2009 4:20 AM
Joined: Aug 1, 2009
Points: 175
SKeeter wrote:

I don't have any latex layers, so I'll keep that in mind if I don't get enough support from the Oodles and Cuddlebed. Hey - that makes me wonder (if you decide you need to tweak things again) whether a reordering of the layers might add more support - i.e. latex on top? Hmmm...

I think putting the solid latex layer on top would defeat the purpose of using the Oodles -- which, for me, is having it conform to my body a bit. Sorta kinda like memory foam but without the chemical off-gassing or the heat build-up. The latex noodles can shift around and conform in ways that a solid latex layer can't. Also, I think it's best for the solid latex foam to rest on a solid surface.

However... I might still tweak.... I have a twinge of lower-back pain this morning. Nothing bad, but if I can tweak things to prevent it, that'd be nice. I'm not ready to give up my Oodles cushiness. I might just get some small thin layers of regular foam from a local distributor and try putting them under the mattress pad, or under the Oodles topper or fiber bed, to boost support in the lumbar region (and only in that region). Other forum members have done, or are doing, something like that. (Cloud9, if I remember right? Or is it BeddyBye?)

I love cool nights for sleeping, and it's getting nippy here too. Yay!

I'll report again when I have my topper. Toodles till I get my Oodles. (Hee hee!)

Cool nights for sleeping are the best.

A side benefit of all this cushiness on the bed -- and the comforter makes it even more squishy -- is that my little kitty sinks down into it, and her cute, funny sleeping positions look even cuter and funnier. Gave me a giggle fit last night.

Re: Oodles Verdict - Don't Bother!!!
Reply #23 Oct 13, 2009 8:40 AM
Joined: Sep 21, 2009
Points: 15
I'm so disappointed to write this review becuase I loved the concept and price point of the Oodles products.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the pillow was not great- started out lumpy like an old polyfil pillow. Not good for sleeping, but not bad for propping to watch movies - but not what we'd hoped by a long shot.

OK - the topper arrived and I was so excited. I got it upstairs and wrestled it out of the bag, and spread it out on the bed. I could hardly believe what I saw... It looked like someone had taken about 20 square throw pillows, sewn them together at the edges, and made a "mat" out of the whole thing. There was a huge (4" +) difference between where the seams joined and the highest loft of each pillow section. Some of the pillows were far thicker than others. OK the WORST part was that  there were 5 rows of pillows across a King sized bed. This put one layer down the center, and 2 layers for each person to sleep on. Well... I'd actually say sleep BETWEEN since the height difference between the pillows and their seams meant I slid down into the crack between two mountainous lines of oodles filled pillows. Trying to sleep on top of one of the lines of pillows was a balancing act that was not sustainable. Ugh!

Always the optomist, I decided to try a night on it and see if appearances and initial impressions were deceiving. (My husband was dragged into trying it also-he's such a good sport!).  Well, no miraclous transformation was forthcoming. After about 20 minutes of resting in the crack, my arms jutting up at weird angles over the adjacent pillows, and my back starting to cramp up as I tried to figure out where to put my legs, I gave up and tried putting the cuddlebed over the top of it (as Catherine had mentioned doing).  Even that was too weirdly lumpy, so we eventually gave up all together.   Catherine - I'm curious what size you ordered... I imagine if the pillows were a bit better arranged, or maybe sewed smaller for a smaller pad, it might not have been quite as bad as it was with the King version... Do you still have yours? Are you still comfortable?

I'm back to ordering a pure latex mattress topper - just need to figure out the best one to buy or our needs. I don't think 2" will be enough, so I think I should order a 3" piece and pray...  Hope this review saves someone else the pain of ordering Oodles and shipping it back! Perhaps this is why the product was so scarce online, and why my original order was cancelled by the mfg. I am betting they are on their way out of business with this thing... Just MHO.


Re: Does anyone have (good / bad / indifferent) feedback about Oodles (Latex "noodles") --VERDICT is IN!!!
Reply #24 Oct 13, 2009 9:05 AM
Joined: Oct 3, 2009
Points: 32
I know some places sell ( for example) latex toppers in 1,2, and 3 inches thickness with various ILDs. So, you may want to try 2&quot; inches, and you can add 1&quot; later if you want. I have not checked their return policy.<BR>
This message was modified Oct 13, 2009 by delilah
Re: Oodles Verdict
Reply #25 Oct 13, 2009 11:35 AM
Joined: Aug 1, 2009
Points: 175
SKeeter wrote:

Catherine - I'm curious what size you ordered... I imagine if the pillows were a bit better arranged, or maybe sewed smaller for a smaller pad, it might not have been quite as bad as it was with the King version... Do you still have yours? Are you still comfortable?

SKeeter, what a disappointment. Hope you can take your topper back to a store instead of shipping it back.

I do still have mine, and I am still comfortable. My shoulders don't get crunched, and I really like the fact that when I wake up in the morning, my hands & arms are not numb. (Not lately, anyway.) The biggest problem I have with my bed now is getting out of it in the morning -- I don't wanna.

I have the Full size Oodles topper. It has 12 baffle squares -- 4 down and 3 across. I wouldn't say there are 4" between the top of the poof and the bottom of the craters (where the seams are) on mine; maybe 2" or 3".  It sounds like the construction of the King Oodles topper is worse -- or the overall effect is worse -- than for the Full size one. Each of these toppers should probably have at least twice as many baffles as they do, to prevent the peaks & craters.

The fiberbed that I have over my Oodles topper isn't the Cuddlebed; mine is a Laura Ashley topper/pad that I picked up at Kohl's several years ago. I haven't seen the Cuddlebed except in pictures online, but I believe my fiberbed is thinner (about 1" thick) and has more baffles. It has lots of small squares, so I'm betting that those are evening out the poofs and craters in my Oodles topper. My fiberbed also has a skirt, which pulls the thing taut, and that probably also helps with evening out the Oodles squares.

Too bad the Oodles topper is constructed so badly -- I still think the idea behind it is a good one. If the manufacturer had just taken more care and added a lot more baffles, the product could have been great. And yeah, I'm guessing that it's being, or has been, discontinued; and if so, we know why.

Look into the products at -- their prices are reasonable, their products are good (you know what you're getting), and their service is great. My guess is that you wouldn't want anything less than 28 ILD, but I could be way off on that. I'm guessing 28 only because on my 1" of 24 ILD from them, my hips were fine but my shoulders bottomed out. Maybe 2 or 3 inches of 24 ILD would have been fine, or maybe 28 would have been better. Dunno. If you call and talk to Evelyn, she'll be able to recommend something. And you'll be able to return it (I think within 30 days) if you don't like it.

Good luck. Let us know what you try and how it works for you.

This message was modified Oct 13, 2009 by Catherine
Re: Does anyone have (good / bad / indifferent) feedback about Oodles (Latex "noodles") --VERDICT is IN!!!
Reply #26 Oct 15, 2009 9:17 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Your experince sounds like exactly what I would have anticipated would happen.  There are tons of gimmicks in this world, and this sounds like yet another.

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