Opinions about the quality of Sueno, Savvy Rest and Bella Serta?
Jan 8, 2011 4:42 AM
Joined: Jan 8, 2011
Points: 1
Greetings all,

We're looking for move to a nice, new (comfy!) Queen-sized natural latex mattress. Price is something of an issue (we can't easily spend more than $2300), but quality is really important to us. The thing is, how can we distinguish quality between mattress manufacturers we haven't heard anything about? Besides firmness (or not), what are some ways we can understand how long the mattress will last, or how long it will retain its original shape?

So, how would you all compare Sueno, Savvy Rest and Bella Serta? All things being equal, which would you choose, and why?

What about other manufacturers (such as Habitat Furnishings, which is hard to glean info about) should we compare, and why?

Thanks so much for your opinions, thoughts and help!


Re: Opinions about the quality of Sueno, Savvy Rest and Bella Serta?
Reply #3 Jan 29, 2011 9:23 AM
Joined: Jan 2, 2011
Points: 2


I am still in the shopping stage, but it seems you have a bias against Habitat Furnishings?  Is it their cost or lack of variety?  I am concerned about all of the "adjustable" mattresses as it just seems that the more parts and small pieces you piece together make the total mattress more succeptible to sagging and wearing at the "seams" where the parts meets up (or uncomfortable feeling if you cross centerline on the mattress). 


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