Placed Flobed order Friday night
May 17, 2008 9:24 PM
Joined: May 14, 2008
Points: 15
Those of us who lurk around here long enough gain valuable information. I have used this forum to make latex bed purchases in the past 6-9 years. My experience with the now defunct would have made a grown may cry--then possibly go postal:) Then I got a Dunlopillo bed from a local store that has suited us well.  And now...I have finally gone with flobeds, the company that I wanted to go with from  the very beginning. I ordered a TwinXL from and he even gave me a 100 dollar cut on the price. I'm a big guy 265lb--so Mike recommended an extra firm over a super firm. So that is what I am going with initially. I'm  only sorry that I did not go with Flobeds sooner.

I will post my experiences with the bed after getting it. They tell me the bed will not be here until the end of the month.
Re: Placed Flobed order Friday night
Reply #1 May 18, 2008 10:42 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Gizmodo, Looking forward to hearing how you like your FloBed. I know I love mine and I love how it I can unzip the cover and adjust the latex cores to get a comfort level that is best for me.  I also would have recommended the Extra Firm over the Super Firm. I spoke with Mike and he seems very knowledgeable and caring. I usually deal with Dave since he is the one I spoke with intiially when I ordered my FloBed last May 2007.

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