platform bed
Jun 15, 2009 2:01 PM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
Apologies to those who have answered my private messages--thank you so much, but i still am a bit confused!

We're going to buy a platform bed, but haven't decided on a mattress yet. From what i can tell, slats are only needed if the mattress is latex and the air is humid. Correct? I'm looking at a lot of platform beds online, and most say that they "come with slats"...Does this mean there is not a solid platform? Is there a way to find a bed with a solid platform and no slats?

And, are certain beds more 'stable' than others? My primary goal is no motion; I'm looking only at beds made from hardwoods (supposedly the most stable), and they all LOOK nice online, but is there anything i need to be wary of? Also, most beds need assembly...Is this just the way platform beds arrive?

Thank you SO much for any advice!
Re: platform bed
Reply #7 Jun 19, 2009 5:09 PM
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Points: 53
electracat ... if you google "Euro Slat" bed, you'll find numerous web sites showing different variations of it. I wish these were readily available in retail stores in this country because I was interested in one before I purchased the platform bed but I didn't want to buy one sight unseen. These support systems and latex mattresses have been used for decades in Europe. If you do a search on this forum I think you'll find some more information. Maybe someone who has one can chime in and give an update.
Re: platform bed
Reply #8 Jun 20, 2009 10:45 AM
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Joined: Jun 17, 2009
Points: 21
sorry i should have known the terms wouldnt be constant, as above the euro slat is what i was meaning if you copy and past the above links into your browser you should see the pics, it works this end anyway.

i belive the box spring and divan are the same thing, wooden box covered with fabric often with a sprung top and sometimes storage? i am sure there would be an similar product you could get, they are seen as a traditional product over here and turns people away from them even though (again in my opinion) they are one of the best bases to any mattress. and going with the split in it not only allows easer access to the room but also it means each person has a totally seperate base so movement is only transfered by the mattress. even a solid base will flex when you add the weight of two people to it.

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