Pure Latex bliss
Sep 8, 2011 5:45 PM
Joined: Aug 10, 2011
Points: 13
Went by mattress xpress today to check out the latex bliss and wow.. loved it.  I still need to bring my wife by to decide.

The salesman gave me a price of $3500 for the king beautiful with foundation and the latex bliss topper.  I think they also through in pillows and mattress protector.  Not sure If i need the beautiful, or if I coudl drop a level or 2 to keep the price down a bit.

Is this a decent price?  I think he was trying to keep it at the same price as the Temperpedic cloud supreme.

Re: Pure Latex bliss
Reply #7 Sep 11, 2011 3:53 PM
Joined: Sep 8, 2011
Points: 7
MinnesotaGirl wrote:


 I doubt that ANY mattress would actually last 20 yrs without dipping in the middle...

My mother's latex mattress is over 20 years old and is still in excellent condition.  No sagging that I can tell, definitely no dips anywhere.  My family is not what you would call skinny, so there has been consistent pressure on it.  And, my brother and I loved to use the bed as a trampoline growing up (when parents weren't looking,of course), so that mattress has taken a beating.  The cover on it is becoming threadbare and we don't even know who made it because the tag wore off a long time ago, but the latex part is still going strong.  I love that mattress so much, when I am at my mom's house I sometimes sneak a nap on it and it is the best rest I'll have had in months.  These are the things that have sold me on buying a latex mattress, now just to decide where to get it from and what kind.  :-)  $3,000 for a mattress that is going to poop out in a few years seems ludicrous to me.  Even paying a quarter as much for a non-latex mattress that will only last 5 years seems silly.

To Oringal Mattress Factory's credit, they were very upfront about what their latex mattress contained when asked and I was impressed by that at least.  I actually went to another store and purchased a mattress after being told at the time of purchase that it was an all latex mattress. It was delievered last weekend and as I was making the bed I read the legal tag on it and found out it only contained 20% latex!  I was furious and that company has since picked up the mattress and issued me a full refund.  It turns out that company doesn't even carry all latex mattress, though the sales lady showed my seveal models that where "all latex". Ooo, I could go on about them, but won't,  My point is that it just goes to show that you have to be careful because sales people will tell you anything just to make a sale.  That sales lady knew I would have walked out of the store if she told me they didn't care all latex mattress.  I know the questions to ask now, and I will be checking that legal tag before I purchase my next mattress.

This message was modified Sep 11, 2011 by mechanty
Re: Pure Latex bliss
Reply #8 Sep 12, 2011 9:40 AM
Joined: Sep 12, 2011
Points: 12
Living in the MPLS area, I have been having a hard time finding ANY 100% latex mattresses. Even the PLB beds have 1" of other foam (stabilization base) on the bottom as the foundation. The layers above the bottom 1" are either Talalay or Dunlop.


I looked at the PLB at Becker Furniture and their prices started at $2800 and went up from there. That was their 50% off (List) pricing over the Labor Day weekend. I think it was really only a couple hundred off their everyday pricing.

If you find anything else in the local area, I'd like to know. I'm doing my research now and will probably buy something in the next couple of months.

This message was modified May 29, 2012 by a moderator
Re: Pure Latex bliss
Reply #9 Sep 12, 2011 4:13 PM
Joined: Aug 10, 2011
Points: 13
I have seen the mattress's at sleepez but have a hard time spending that with out at least trying it a bit.

Another question?  Are PLB price set like the tempurpedic, or are the prices negotiatable?  I have never had the impression at mattress stores the price is negotialble, but have heard that I should never pay what they are asking.

Re: Pure Latex bliss
Reply #10 Sep 13, 2011 12:06 PM
Joined: Apr 20, 2011
Points: 65
fmrock wrote:

I have seen the mattress's at sleepez but have a hard time spending that with out at least trying it a bit.


Another question?  Are PLB price set like the tempurpedic, or are the prices negotiatable?  I have never had the impression at mattress stores the price is negotialble, but have heard that I should never pay what they are asking.

Sleepys in my area were negotiable. I was quoted $1700 for a Nutrition that was marked $2200, with covers and pillows thrown in, after the salesman made a phone call to his regional manager. (Still wouldnt pay that much, and wouldnt ever do business with that chain, personally.)

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