Purerest vs. Sleeptek/Naturally Organic vs. Another Dunlop manufacturer that I should be considering?
Oct 26, 2010 8:05 AM
Joined: Oct 26, 2010
Points: 1
My husband and I are buying two mattresses--a queen for us and a twin as our second son's first "big boy" bed. We've considered a number of options and also sent away for a sample pack from Purerest, which consists of 4 pieces of latex rubber and a swatch of the fabric cover.

We live in Boston and have tried a number of locally available options including:

- OMI (hubby thought too soft, leading us to conclude we're dunlop people, not talalay)

- WJ Southard (bought a 6" dunlop for our oldest son; we're just not convinced of the purity based on what we've read online, which is why we're looking elsewhere this time around)

- Habitat Furnishings (hubby again didn't think it had adequate support)

- Natura World (not firm enough, again attributed to the Talalay topper)

- Savvy Rest (hubby felt the split in the middle and was not overly impressed by crumbling rubber around edges of the latex; but the biggest reason we decided not to go with this mattress was some discomforting negative reviews on this website combined with the fact that the Purerest cover seemed nicer; that said, we both felt the support and softness were satisfactory)

We own two crib mattresses and a number of shredded rubber pillows from Purerest and have generally been happy with them. However, I'm nervous about buying a mattress from Purerest without being able to try it out first. I'm also seeing good things about the Green Sleep and Naturally Organic mattresses sold by The Clean Bedroom (the latter manufactured by Sleeptek). Only problem is that The Clean Bedroom is at least a 3 hour roundtrip drive from our house, so I'm not eager to make the trip if I'm just going to end up buying a Purerest, after all.

I've seen little on this website (and elsewhere) in the form of reviews of the Purerest mattresses. Does anyone have any experience with them? Ideally, I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who has tried out both the Naturally Organic (Sleeptek Sueno line and a private label) sold by The Clean Bedroom AND the Purerest, but I know that's a tall order.

Also, I feel like I've already over-researched this purchase, but there are so many options out there, and I've only touched upon them all. Is there another manufacturer that is better than these two I've narrowed down my search to? Again, we're thinking we'd prefer Dunlop based on feel and purity.

Re: Purerest vs. Sleeptek/Naturally Organic vs. Another Dunlop manufacturer that I should be considering?
Reply #2 Oct 26, 2010 9:51 AM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Just to add "one more" to the mix ..... http://thenaturalsleepstore.com/natural-latex-mattresses.html

They carry several of the options you have looked at and others and also carry the "Bella Sera" which is customizable with layer exchanges if you get it wrong and also publish their latex test results. Prices are a little lower than the Clean Bedroom from what I compared.


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