Put a flobed latex layer in the sun, can it be salvaged?
Sep 6, 2012 6:04 PM
Joined: Sep 6, 2012
Points: 1
My son wet the bed so I took the top layer outside and hosed it off.  I didn't realize that the sun would ruin the latex. It's very brittle now and smells so bad it makes me feel ill. Since its organic the off gassing shouldn't be harmful right? I'm wondering if I can put in inside a case or something or will it just have to e thrown out?  The smell is so strong it comes through the flobed cover. Maybe something air tight? I had no idea latex could disintegrate that fast:( it's not a urine smell at all, that washed off but a very strong chemical sweetish smell.
Re: Put a flobed latex layer in the sun, can it be salvaged?
Reply #1 Sep 7, 2012 5:55 AM
Joined: Mar 15, 2012
Points: 182
When Latex is processed, they end with a water wash to rinse away whatever.  So, water should not hurt.

Sun is bad.

Latex that is done being processed should not off gas.  The sweetish smell is typical of Latex and generally goes away.  The sun and wash may have increased the odor temporarily.  Or maybe your Latex was poorly processed... probably not.

My guess is that the Sun degraded the Latex and the wash released the odor.  The odor will probably go away.  But the Latex will remain degraded and may stink more because of it.  You might want to buy new Latex to replace it.

Flobeds use 100% Natural Latex from LI warranteed by LI for 10 years.  Perhaps Sun degradation is similar to rapid aging.  And perhaps Blended Latex (warranteed for 20 years) would not have degraded so quickly.  Exposed to the Sun for a day or not, this episode suggests that 100% Natural Latex foam rubber products are not going to last near as long as Blended.


This message was modified Sep 7, 2012 by GKDesigns

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