Recommendation for latex bed and cover
Mar 28, 2015 7:33 PM
Joined: Mar 28, 2015
Points: 1
I am looking to buy a new twin mattress for my 6 year old son. I want something that is comfortable and non-toxic. There is a good chance that this will be his mattress until he leaves home so I would like something that will last and be comfortable when he is larger.

I went to three stores but am overwhelmed by the choices. :) The stores focused on Dunlop latex and recommended 6" mattresses, with the suggestion of buying a topper when my son is older. Is this the best option?

Assuming yes, I think I have it narrowed down to three mattress options and would love your assistance picking. My son says every mattress is comfortable (and he tried a lot!). The three options (with prices including tax) are:
1. Sleeptek kids 100% organic natural latex mattress ($979)
2. Obasan Fundy ($1119)
3. Arpico 6" ($631 in medium, $672 in firm)

We tried options 1 and 3. We are in Vancouver and there is no store that carries option 2. I assume that option 2 is similar to option 1 but understand that Obasan is the luxury version of Sleeptek and the Fundy's cover is removable (don't know if that's better).

The Arpico seemed comfortable (it was medium density) and was much cheaper. I was told it is also 100% natural Dunlop latex. I would say it has an inferior cover since it is a thin piece of organic cotton versus a thicker cotton and wool quilted cover on the Sleeptek.

Can you please explain the difference between the beds? If the main difference is the cover then it seems like the Arpico is a bargain.

If I should be buying a thicker mattress, please explain the benefit.

Also, what type of cover is recommended? We have Sleeptek's wool puddle pads for our younger son's crib mattress and love the thinness and waterproof ability but I'm not sure the cost ($189 for a twin) is justified here as my older son is unlikely to have any bedtime accidents. I saw a wool/cotton overlay by Snugsheep at one store ($119) and it looked nice and am interested in the St. Dormier mattress protector which I can order online but haven't seen in person so I'm not sure what to expect.

Thanks so much in advance!
Re: Recommendation for latex bed and cover
Reply #4 May 13, 2015 2:21 AM
Location: USA
Joined: May 13, 2015
Points: 5
Nice post. Thanks for the tips about bed covers. I will surely check it out and make sure that I will be able to buy the right mattress.
Re: Recommendation for latex bed and cover
Reply #5 Jul 27, 2015 7:01 AM
Joined: Jun 23, 2014
Points: 13
You can check urban mattress. I really like them

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