Recommendations on mattress firmness...
Sep 1, 2010 6:54 AM
Joined: Aug 15, 2010
Points: 4
My wife and I have just purchased a new mattress set from and wanted to get a few recommendations based on our first week of sleeping on the new setup and other's experience with latex mattresses.

We previously had a Nautilus Duo-Flex King that was right at 20 years old and decided it was time to replace it, although a couple of years ago we did purchase 2" memory foam from Wal-Mart to see if it might help.  We liked the softness it added, but it also added heat... and really did not help with my tossing and turning all night long.  So... we decided to go with the Flobed systems since we can swap out until we get it right.

We started out with the following from top to bottom using the 2" Convoluted Pad on a Euro Slat Foundation:

Me @ 240lbs

XFirm vZone



Wife @ 175lbs

Firm vZone




On the positive side... it is much cooler than the old mattress w/ the memory foam.  On the negative side... I have come to the conslusion that my side is a bit firm for me... espceically in the mid section.  It is as if I can feel a hump that bothers me.  I still toss and turn and cannot seem to get comfortable. 

My wife stated she definitely felt it was too firm for her just after the first few nights.  Dewey shipped out a Medium layer yesterday for her side.  I thought maybe we could try taking out the XFirm on hers, moving the Firm to the bottom and adding the Medium in the middle. 

On my side, I may take out my SuperFirm, move the XFirm down to the bottom, vZone to the middle and try her XFirm on top to see if that will relieve some of that mid-section pressure I am feeling.

It may ultimately be that we don't really need the vZone, but we will see.


I am curious as to anyones thoughts or similar experiences. 



Re: Recommendations on mattress firmness...
Reply #7 Sep 21, 2010 7:27 AM
Joined: Aug 15, 2010
Points: 4
We have now been on the new arrangement for about 10 days...

From top to bottom using the 2" Convoluted Pad on a Euro Slat Foundation:

Me @ 240lbs

XFirm vZone (Swapped softer head support to lumbar support)


XFirm (Took from wife's side and sent back SuperFirm)

Wife @ 175lbs

Firm vZone (Swapped softer head support to lumbar support)

Medium (Formerly Firm move to bottom)

Firm (Formerly XFirm move to my side)


My wife seems to be happier stating it seems better, but only slightly better than our 20 year old spring mattress.

While the pressure from my mid section is releived, I am still tossing and turning all during the night and cannot seem to get comfortable.  I think it may still be too firm for me.

I definitely am not feeling like we have got our money's worth at this point... especially with the vZone.

I plan to call Flobeds again today and see what they recommend next.

Re: Recommendations on mattress firmness...
Reply #8 Sep 21, 2010 7:41 AM
Joined: Aug 15, 2010
Points: 4
After discussing this with Dave... they are going to send us two more Mediums to experiment with and take out the vZone.
Re: Recommendations on mattress firmness...
Reply #9 Sep 21, 2010 7:47 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Off hand, yours does not sound like it should be too firm based on others peoples experiences.  But, if it feels uncomfortable then it is not working.

 Not sure if you wife will let you do this, but maybe try her firm piece in the middle of your side for 1 night to see if that helps.  Or, the firm on the bottom and XF in middle would also be slightly softer than what you currently are using.

Also, flobeds also will subsitute Sensus memory foam for the convoluted topper.  Some people like the feel of that better for pressure reflief.   Or, you might need to add just 1" of a memory foam on top. of the convoluted as another way to make it a little more comfortable.


p.s. I wrote the above before I saw that you ordered the 2 mediums.  Hopefully that will work for you.

This message was modified Sep 21, 2010 by sandman

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