Return of latex layers - how to vaccum pack it?
Jun 29, 2010 9:44 AM
Joined: May 12, 2010
Points: 241
How do you vaccum pack the latex layers and resend it back to say sleepez or flobeds?


what appliance do you need to vaccum pack? I have never done this so I am enquiring.



This message was modified Jun 29, 2010 by roy1
Re: Return of latex layers - how to vaccum pack it?
Reply #9 Jul 15, 2010 9:07 AM
Joined: Jan 31, 2010
Points: 54
KimberlyH wrote:

How hard is it to hold the bag around the vacuum cleaner nozzle with one hand and flip the switch with the other?

That's not hard.

The hard part is trying to prevent new air from flowing into the bag/latex and hence making it expand again, after the vacuum is removed from the bag.

Right now I'm stuck on day 2 of that problem after already having wasted 4-5 hours on it on day 1.

How is it not hard to try to prevent air from re-flowing into a non-airtight bag?

I could sure use any advice that will get this done. When I called FloBeds all they said was 'follow the instructions,' which is what I already had been doing.  The instructions do not even bother to mention this problem, much less how to overcome it.

This message was modified Jul 15, 2010 by confusedbedbuyer
Re: Return of latex layers - how to vaccum pack it?
Reply #10 Jul 15, 2010 10:49 AM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
Hubby and I have compressed layers per instructions without any problems. Could there be a small hole in the bag you're not seeing? I've had this problem before with those "Space Bags". I had to put my ear to the bag and listen to see where the air was leaking back in. When I finally found it I placed duct tape over the tiny puncture.
This message was modified Jul 15, 2010 by Natalia

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