"S" brands info?
May 14, 2010 2:40 PM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
giving up on latex and foam...slept on a serta at hotel the other day...liked it


not sure if i want the 500+ coil or 900+ coil, perfect sleeper vs perfect day...price difference isnt enough to disuade or persuade me either way...


probably getting it from serta.com as i can return it if i dont like it, costs me 15% plus $200 to return but better than nothing


I need more info on coils, etc., thanks

Re: "S" brands info?
Reply #3 May 14, 2010 4:27 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
Apologies for all the typos in my previous post - oops!
Re: "S" brands info?
Reply #4 May 15, 2010 7:28 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
thanks diane, considering perfect day cuz it has 900 coils and is 5 zoned...i am 6 foot and 180 lbs, what are the zone issues you have?


cant try locally, no serta dealers where i am and the reason i would buy direct from serta is the return policy

Re: "S" brands info?
Reply #5 May 15, 2010 9:04 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
I was just on the Serta website and the Perfect Day has the same coil system as my Perfect Night - the free flex.  If you are normally proportioned, the zones should work for you.  Because I am short-waisted, if I positioned myself for the hip to hit the softer spot, the lower edge of my shoulders would hit the top edge of the lumbar support area and feel the pressure.  If I shifted upwards to make my shoulders comfortable, my hips would hit the lower edge of the lumbar support.  There actually is a "sweetspot" for me but the margin of error is so small, with movement during the night I don't always stay on it.  I don't think this will be an issue for you.  My normally-proportioned husband had no trouble with the zones. 

Another thing to consider: do you have a sleeping partner who is light like me?  What my husband and I found, him at 195 and me at 100 lb, is that he would sink into the mattress more than I would, creating a slant that would cause me to roll towards his side.  But as the mattress has aged, and taking it off the foundation and putting it directly on the floor, this seems to be less of a problem when we sleep together - go figure.

When all is said and done, although Serta customer service is lousy and many here view it as the worst of the S brands, I have found their free-flex coil system the most comfortable of the S brands.  One of the future solutions we are considering, if I can't find a latex setup that works (which it appears I can't), is that our replacement for this king would probably be 2 twin XL's side by side to deal with the motion transfer/weight disparity issues and would more than likely be Serta's again (if we could get a non-zoned for me).


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