Sealy Spring Free Weybridge VS Latex International DIY products
Jul 29, 2009 5:55 PM
Joined: Jul 29, 2009
Points: 12
Like many of you, I've come here looking to get the most out of the $1000 - $2000 I'm about to spend on a bed for me and my wife. We currently have a innerspring plush pillow top, and it's not working out for us - both of us are getting back pain while sleeping and then after we wake up. We decided that we want a firmer bed, and I've been looking at Latex beds. I went to a local store, and tried out the three Sealy Spring Free beds they have, and two of them were way too soft while the Weybridge was perfect. It was $1899 after $400 rebate, so it's definately pricey, especially considering I went to the Original Mattress Factory and found an innerspring I liked for $670. Nevertheless, I like the idea of a latex bed, and a lot of people have given them postive reviews.

So here's my question - I can't try out any beds that are sold online, so it's hard to judge what firmness they are. Sealy Weybridge is the only bed I've tried out and it works for us, but I am curious about all the other options out there. I am mainly interested in Latex International products only.

1) Do any of you have experience with the Sealy Weybridge and can you comment on how you've liked it, how you're back feels, etc?
2) Do you know if the Sealy is a Latex International product (LI says they manufacture for Sealy, but Sealy says it has its own factory)?
3) Do any of you have any feedback as to how the Sealy Weybridge might compare to a retailer of Latex International Talalay latex, such as or sleepez? Can you offer what you might think a comparable set up would be?
4) Considering the price difference, maybe it's just worth it to buy the Sealy, then I can return it easily if it doesnt work out? Any comments?

Any input would be appreciated! I am mostly wondering any Pro's and Con's on the Sealy Weybridge.
Re: Sealy Spring Free Weybridge VS Latex International DIY products
Reply #8 Aug 28, 2009 7:19 AM
Location: NC
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 72
george wrote:
Do you remember what the comfort level (and name if you remember) of your Sealy Springfree bed was?  The Weybridge (also know as Brasswood Firm at US-Mattress) is 3.5, and the Garden Vine Plush (US Mattress name) is a 5.0.  After trying out the Garden Vine Plush at a local store it seems like a good firmness level and it is also cheaper than the Brasswood.  According to the specs the Brasswood has an extra layer of latex instead of the cheaper foam, and that's why it's more expensive and firmer too.  The Garden Vine Plush has a layer of foam, is softer and cheaper too.  Turn the Garden Vine Plush over and you have the same as the Brasswood Firm (at least that's what CC-Mattress is saying on the Blog).</p><p>So....that's why I am wondering what the comfort level of your bed is - that will tell me what bed on US-Mattress failed for you and will help me with my decision.

Mine is older George and it was called the Sealy Meadowcrest. It came from a furniture store and had a slightly nicer cover which is now gone with the 5 various layers of thin PU foam. I don't know what Sealy calls that mattress now but if you go to the Sealy sites, I think you'll be able to figure it out. It was 1-2 down from the top comfort level. After I got it, it felt great for a few months and if it had not lost it's support in the comfort layers, I would have never done surgery (for which I have Jim Social to thank for that idea). I'm hoping to keep it forever as it seems to be good for both support and comfort since I added the 3" FBM soft latex layer and the cuddle bed cover. It's 100% better than the 23 year old hard mattress and box springs we gave away that created pain every morning upon awakening. If I had the money and time, I'd probably like to try to build a bed with springs in the bottom and Tallalay latex on top. But that won't happen for a very long time I hope. Just getting a bed to the comfort and support level I have now took months of research on this site and others and lots of looking for good deals. I wish you the best!
Re: Sealy Spring Free Weybridge VS Latex International DIY products
Reply #9 Aug 31, 2009 10:20 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2009
Points: 69
I can answer one of your questions definitively.

Sealy Springfree is about the only manufacturer that does not buy their cores from LI.

So far as beds only being "part" latex this depends on the mattress. Ask for something with a Talalay Core and Talalay top. You can buy latex beds with Poly cores but these are generally the "budget" versions. A queen latex bed should run you at least $2000 for the set and more likely closer to $2500. If it doesn't, I'd ask why. There's a lot less margin variance in the industry than people think and if one bed is significantly less than another it's almost always not because it's a "better deal" but because it's made more cheaply.


Re: Sealy Spring Free Weybridge VS Latex International DIY products
Reply #10 Sep 11, 2009 6:58 AM
Joined: Jul 29, 2009
Points: 12
Thanks for all your posts.  I've researched the contents of the Sealy SpringFree line by going to and looking at that Latex matress comparison.  It is not LI Latex, it's Sealy's own proprietary all synthetic latex.  I am not too hung up on it being synthetic, and it does have a lot of latex in it! I am still shopping around, but to me for the price, the Sealy SpringFree Firm, or Plush model is a great value for the money.  I am more concerned about durability and long term comfort, especially since the spring only bed that we have now is only 1 year old and it started giving us back pain (it was a pillow top).

In any case appreciate all your responses!  I am probably going to wait to see more responses.  I am trying to decide between the Firm and Plush model now.

Re: Sealy Spring Free Weybridge VS Latex International DIY products
Reply #11 Sep 11, 2009 8:44 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2009
Points: 69

If you decide to go with a firm model just make sure that the core is still Talalay. Oftentimes the differences between a plush and firm is a PE core in the firm. You want an all latex bed.


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