Searching for a KING SIZE PLUSH mattress in the $1000 - $1400 price range
May 7, 2010 4:07 PM
Joined: May 7, 2010
Points: 1
Hello my fellow mattress shoppers,


Does anybody have a recommendation for the following:  I'm looking for a king size plush innerspring mattress in the $1000 - $1400 price range (mattress only).  I'm looking for a pocket coil mattress with a good coil count.  The best quality mattress I can find within that price range.

And, the plan is to buy a platform bed... Any recommendations of where to go for a good platform in the $300-$500 price range would be greatly appreciated also.


KingSizePlush Seeker

This message was modified May 12, 2010 by a moderator
Re: Searching for a KING SIZE PLUSH mattress in the $1000 - $1400 price range -- mattress only
Reply #9 May 10, 2010 3:02 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Not to rain on anyone's parade, because frankly I too had a similar experience (except it was my sister's house instead of a hotel).

But I have to wonder if there is some placebo effect or some other psychological mechanism that might cause us to sleep better in someone else's bed. Maybe because we're on vacation and have less stress?* And I am one who always thinks people blame "stress" for too many things... but I am just looking for an explanation for this phenomenon of sleeping better on hotel beds... (which I also have had in the past).

I mean, come on - a SERTA? They are considered among the WORST of the S Co. mattresses!

Well, what the heck, though. It might be worth a try if it even gives you 6 months of good sleep.... Good luck and keep us posted!

*In my case, there was not a "less stress" factor at all. I was going home to visit my family under unfortunate circumstances, so it was not a "carefree" type vacation. So I have NO explanation as to why I enjoyed my sister's mattress so much.

Re: Searching for a KING SIZE PLUSH mattress in the $1000 - $1400 price range -- mattress only
Reply #10 May 10, 2010 3:34 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
KimberlyH wrote:

I am always surprised at the number of people who report staying in hotels and finding the mattresses so comfortable.  It has been years since I slept in a hotel bed without waking up in agonizing pain.  Clearly I have been staying at the wrong hotels . . .

Me too I must stay at the wrong hotels.  I am lucky to get through the night.  Especially with hearing about bed bugs.

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