Serta Adjustable Foundation Leg Size Options
Sep 8, 2011 3:56 PM
Joined: Jun 21, 2011
Points: 13
I am purchasing the Serta Adjustable Mattress Foundation and have received mixed information from the store I am purchasing it from and from the web regarding the size of the leg foundation options. The store is telling me that only 7 and 9 inch legs are available, while the web refers to also a 2 inch leg.

Seeing that the I-Comfort mattress is thicker than most traditional mattresses and my wife and I are not the tallest, I feel that a two inch leg would help overall.

What experience does anyone have in purchasing the adjustable foundation with 2 inch legs? Has it been a problem or an asset?

Re: Serta Adjustable Foundation Leg Size Options
Reply #1 Sep 13, 2011 2:53 PM
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Points: 1
2", wow, you'd be almost laying on the floor.  I don't know if you have a bed that this needs to fit into.  I would measure your current mattresses height.  I think the i-comfort revolution runs just under 12" (I think the genisus is the same), Prodigy just under 13".  These aren't that much different than traditional beds.  Plus my guess is the legs screw in, so you might be able to get different legs from your hardware store, just a thought.
This message was modified Sep 13, 2011 by steveaz

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