Serta I Comfort Prodigy...horrible hip pain
May 14, 2012 4:37 AM
Joined: Jan 24, 2012
Points: 70
Just wondering if anyone else out there has experienced this problem with this bed.. I am almost at the 120 day comfort return.. and there is nothing in the store I purchased it from that i even care to exchange for.. should have bought a good coil mattress..feel like I am in quick sand and it hurts my entire body.. 3000 later and no sleep worth a now in my guest room on a 25 year old mattress getting some relief..   would love to hear from others that have had any problems as I have.. or any frustrated..!!!
Re: Serta I Comfort Prodigy...horrible hip pain
Reply #5 May 15, 2012 7:15 AM
Joined: May 6, 2012
Points: 22
Ouch!  What a tale of woe.  The cheapest places to buy latex toppers I've seen are foambymail  ( and Sleep EZ (  Call and talk to Sean for his recommendation).  If you buy a cover with it (comes with the Sleep EZ toppers) you shouldn't have the tearing problems when you make the bed. Others may chime in if they've found other places to consider. It is a drag to have to spend more money, but if this solves your problem, the time and additional hassle savings might well be worth it.  Good luck!
Re: Serta I Comfort Prodigy...horrible hip pain
Reply #6 May 15, 2012 7:38 AM
Joined: Mar 15, 2012
Points: 182
A Latex topper might help if the goal is to isolate body heat from the mattress memory foam to prevent it from warming up and sinking like quicksand, but in general, a topper will not fix an underlying support problem.  "Horrible hip pain" suggests a sagging support issue... a topper will just sag along with this.


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