Should I be purchasing a TempurPedic mattress?
Jul 2, 2009 4:02 PM
Joined: Jul 2, 2009
Points: 2
Hi, I've really been looking into getting a TempurPedic mattress although after researching for reasons why TempurPedic sucks, I've recently become discouraged into buying one. I'll be a senior in highschool and after a year I won't be able to use the mattress for one school year since I will be in a dorm. After that, I can use it again, since I will be living in a condo my sophomore year of college. I also plan to pay for the Advantage TempurPedic Queen mattress, since if it will last 20 years, I will most likely be married and need the room for my wife. Do you think the TempurPedic will really last me 20 years? I'm just becoming confused on whether I could get a same quality memory foam mattress at a lower price that is just a generic brand. My dad keeps telling me all I'm paying for is the brand name of TempurPedic, and that seems to be what a lot of people believe too. Although none of the other memory foam mattresses look very promising.  I just need some guidance. If I go the TempurPedic way, I'll be spending around $1800 although I get two free TempurPedic pillows and bed frame.
Re: Should I be purchasing a TempurPedic mattress?
Reply #1 Jul 3, 2009 4:04 PM
Joined: May 22, 2009
Points: 64
Wow, you really plan ahead. I think it's great that you're taking a rational, pragmatic approach to mattress shopping, but I would advise you against investing an exorbitant amount of money in furniture of any type at this stage in your life. For one thing, you're likely going to require a bed that is easily transportable since people in their 20's tend to move around a lot. You'll more than likely live in a few different apartments, and an entry level job isn't going to bring in the kind of money that finances tons of living space. From my experience, very few apartment bedrooms will comfortably accomodate a queen bed. I've found a full bed to be the perfect size for a single person, but others' experiences may differ.

Secondly, whenever you decide to marry/cohabitate with a special someone, she will be bringing her own unique, individual needs and preferences to the mix and what if she hates memory foam? Shopping for a mattress is something two people need to do together, so that they can jointly agree on the type of mattress that best suits their needs. Alternately, some couples purchase two twin XL mattresses and place them side-by-side to form a king bed. This allows for a greater amount of customization, and is probably the best approach to mattress shopping when two people have vastly different mattress criteria.

So, you see, that expensive Tempurpedic could wind up in the guest room if your future wife can't sleep comfortably on it. Not to mention, a queen bed seems like it would accomodate two people perfectly until you've had to share a bed for a few years, and then a king starts looking awfully tempting. You may decide that a queen just doesn't allow enough toss-and-turn room for two people.

As a young adult, I would base all furniture shopping on the following criteria: Is it easy to transport? Will it fit in a small room? Is it best-suited to meeting my present-day needs? Just think for a moment about the many unexpected directions your life could go in over the next several years or so. What if you got a job overseas? You're not going to be carting your tempurpedic with you, that's for sure. You may be forced to sell furniture, or gift it to family or friends, if your living circumstances change dramatically.

If you've never slept on a memory foam mattress (sprawling on the show room model for 15 minutes isn't the same thing as sleeping several hours on it), I would recommend getting a high quality memory foam topper first. Of course, a topper over an innerspring mattress is going to feel a lot different than memory foam over a high density foam core -- the latter being much firmer. The show room models have been thoroughly broken in, they're going to be softer and more conforming than a brand new mattress, so that's something else to bear in mind.

I think the only genuinely special thing about a Tempurpedic is the 5 lb. density, but there other companies manufacturing a 5 lb. memory foam these days.
Re: Should I be purchasing a TempurPedic mattress?
Reply #2 Jul 4, 2009 8:54 PM
Joined: Jul 2, 2009
Points: 2
Awesome! I really appreciate your advice. Perhaps I may go with the double size Tempurpedic Advantage Bed then. And I won't be settling down for a while so you're right that I probably won't need a queen size mattress. I'll think some more about the purchase.
Re: Should I be purchasing a TempurPedic mattress?
Reply #3 Jul 6, 2009 12:09 PM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I'd not spend the money if I were you.  Your father is correct, you are spending huge amounts of money for the name.  There are plenty of memory foams out there, Tempurpedic was just the first one to make a whole bed out of it and market it.  Don't waste your time on the Select Comfort air mattress either...more hype(I know, I had one).  When you buy a famous name bed you can be sure that you are spending most of your money on their advertising and all of their special stores and middlemen, not on the quality components in the bed.  Also, I've known people whose back went bad due to sleeping on total memory foam mattresses.  No support.
A couple of things about memory foam:  They sleep HOT and make you sweat....and sweat breaks down the foam.  Kind of a Catch-22.
In life, you'll find out eventually that gimmicks sell...and they are just that, gimmicks.  First, tho, they have to make you believe that you have a probem and that they are the only solution for that problem.  It's true in more than beds.  I am in the saddlery business and it is alive and well here, too.  So very many gimmicks.
Re: Should I be purchasing a TempurPedic mattress?
Reply #4 Jul 6, 2009 12:59 PM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
Yes, why settle for a mercedes when you can get a kia for less.  My brother has had his classic tempurpedic for 12 years now and three kids later.  The cover did wear out and he replaced it.  Maybe thats part of the 'they don't last very long' part of it.  I have had a top of the line latex mattress which was great for many years.  I now have a top of the line tempurpedic.  It doesnt sleep any warmer than my latex or past innerspring matts.  If your a hot sleeper, most beds probably sleep hot any how.  Kick the covers off for cryin out loud.  My new tempurpedic gives a lot better support than any mattress I've ever owned.  Unfortunately, I do like to change beds every few years.  I won't be doing that any time soon.  Good luck, and yes if you can't go tempurpedic save your money.
Re: Should I be purchasing a TempurPedic mattress?
Reply #5 Jul 7, 2009 8:22 PM
Joined: May 22, 2009
Points: 64
lambo wrote:
Awesome! I really appreciate your advice. Perhaps I may go with the double size Tempurpedic Advantage Bed then. And I won't be settling down for a while so you're right that I probably won't need a queen size mattress. I'll think some more about the purchase.

You're welcome! I hope you enjoy your new mattress (whichever brand/model you decide to go with). I read somewhere recently that Tempurpedic foam is the densest memory foam on the market, so if you need serious memory foam that you can really sink into, I doubt you can do any better.

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