Should I switch my new mattress out?
May 29, 2010 2:03 AM
Joined: Mar 8, 2010
Points: 65
I bought this mattress from an excellent local manufacturer and have slept on it for 3 nights.  The coils are very thick and have 2" of talalay latex on top (see other layers also in the link.)  Will this bed soften up?  It's too hard/firm right now. Also, there is a layer of "polyester".  Bad?

Based on things Budgy has said about pocket coils taking a bad rap these days because of all the imported lousy ones, I'm wondering if I should switch to the below pocket coil  because all their metal is from Legat.  I'm 130 lbs and a stomach and side sleeper.  My current (above) mattress is nice and firm for my stomach sleeping and I love that it probably won't hammock (I can't deal with that again!!) but is a little too firm for my side sleeping.  Should I stick with what I have and hope it softens a little for side sleeping?  Is it better to start a little too firm and keep the inner spring and get a topper if it doesn't soften?

Another concern: I spend an hour a night laying on stomach, digging elbows into bed reading (I know, not good, but I have to do it to fall asleep.)  Will pocket coils survive that better than inner springs?  I don't want the inner springs to lump up, esp at a low count and low gauge.  Thank you!

Re: Should I switch my new mattress out?
Reply #3 Jun 1, 2010 3:28 PM
Joined: Mar 8, 2010
Points: 65
Thanks, Jim.  I appreciate your input. 

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