Simmons BackGuard
Oct 30, 2010 8:47 AM
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Points: 45
Hi. Got a Simmons BackGuard last week after returning an NXG 250 Firm which turned out to be both too soft and too hard at the same time (butt sank too much, back was pulling while shoulders were in pain and arms went numb). The BackGuard has zones (thinner coils under hips and shoulders and very firm for lumbar support) that I can distinguished with my ribs when I lay on my side after a minute or so (I weigh 250 lbs). Every morning, I wake up in pain (shoulders, ribs, back) so I'm looking for a topper but don't want to go overbaord to avoid making it too soft. Budget is limited so I'm leaning toward Foambymail latex topper. Don't know if I should go for 20 or 32 ILD. Any advice? 

Also, does anybody know how bad will their topper smell? How long before it dissipates?

This message was modified Dec 7, 2010 by ZZZZ
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #67 Dec 2, 2010 6:52 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
I'm assuming the eggcrate is softer material (lower ILD not just feeling softer because of the dimples and thickness) and i would put it dimple side down on the top. At this point I'm not looking for a solution as much as I am looking to see what certain changes do so that it is easier to figure out a solution.

As far as who would sleep on it ... probably someone who was lighter, likes a very firm feeling mattress (doesn't like the feeling of sinking in to a mattress), and doesn't sleep on their side (probably a stomach sleeper but possibly back).


This message was modified Dec 2, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #68 Dec 3, 2010 3:01 AM
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Points: 45
I went to bed before your reply last night so I didn't try egg crate. Didn't sleep very long but my back seems a little better still this morning so we're on the right track.

Egg crate flat side up? Why? To prevent it from sinking as much? I thought that putting it this way would firm things up.

This message was modified Dec 3, 2010 by ZZZZ
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #69 Dec 3, 2010 11:41 AM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
While it's probably a minor difference, putting the eggcrate flat side up might make a nothing soft layer into a soft layer. Partly because there is more material directly under you and partly because the flat side is less degraded. Minor difference but I'm trying to use what we have to play with in the best way possible. The idea for now is to learn enough with what you have to be able to predict what kind of topper should be purchased to make up a layering scheme that will come close to solving the problems. It's unlikely that any layering scheme with what you have will really work but we can hopefully get enough information from the material you have to both get an idea of the ILD's of the unknown layers and to make a much better prediction about what is still needed.

I'm glad you went without the topper one more night so we have 2 nights experience without. So for tonight I would put the eggcrate on flat side up and see how it feels.


Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #70 Dec 3, 2010 2:13 PM
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Points: 45
Wife was complaining of hip pain so she decided to call the configuration tonight. It will be another type of experiment: Ikea topper (2 inches of poly in a cotton/poly cover) on the bottom, latex (one inch) in the middle and egg crate (one inch) on top, not upside down as she aims for maximum softness. We wrapped it all up in the mattress pad we have, which tightens it up a tad. I just tried it and it is softer indeed. I'll report on how it went tomorrow.
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #71 Dec 3, 2010 2:31 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Perfect. That was what I was hoping you would try in reply #59 but you ended up switching the bottom two layers on me instead in reply # 60 :). Now we have a reference point to compare this with from your experience with this configuration without the eggcrate. We are getting somewhere!

Just so you know as well ... the softness of this layer won't come from the eggcrate ... but from all 3 layers combined. If the bumps up causes you to sink too far into a deeper layer ... then it could actually feel harder. In another thread I mentioned that every change needs to take into account the effect on every layer. A softer thin layer on top can actually in some cases make a bed feel harder. While it's likely that the egg crate either way won't make much difference ... the belief that it will feel softer overall by having a softer side up is not necessarily correct. The goal of the eggcrate is not to provide softness by itself ... It's to help you sink into a lower layer just enough that the lower layer will still feel soft. Slow and methodical will work here ... random or possible incorrect assumptions will make things much more difficult.


This message was modified Dec 3, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #72 Dec 3, 2010 2:47 PM
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Points: 45
All right. We'll try it up one night, and upside down tomorrow.
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #73 Dec 3, 2010 3:36 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809

Don't forget too to resist the temptation to "fix" your mattress with any combination of these 3 layers. If it does that would be a surprising bonus. What we are looking for is to learn the effect of certain changes so we can better predict which type of additional layer would give us the greatest odds of working and where to put that layer.


Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #74 Dec 3, 2010 6:01 PM
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Points: 45
I have to say that my lower back pain has greatly decreased today. Mid back still hurts, along with neck but this could be related to the pillow so I don't worry about it too much for now.
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #75 Dec 4, 2010 2:01 AM
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Points: 45
Once again, the first night was firmer than I expected (whenever I write this, I can go way back and remember my honeymoon... not what you're thinking: the bed in that little german hotel was almost as hard as the floor!). The initial softness went away in about 10 minutes. The good news is that I didn't sink in one spot, the bed is still very much flat, even after adding 4 inches of foam (for a total of 5), contrary to the 250 wich made me sink in the middle through its 4.5 inches. It even felt it a bit too hard on my legs, all the way down to my ankles! As you predicted, the egg crate simply vanished. It felt like I couldn't make it through the latex and into the pillowtop. Lower back is way more stiff this morning and my sacrum is quite sore but that could just be related to a difference in the spine alignment and adjust itself in a week or so as I've experienced it with the previous mattresses. 

Another interesting development is that with this configuration, I wasn't able to sleep with a single pillow, on my side anyway. I ended up using two and I took away 80% of the numbness in my arms.

This message was modified Dec 4, 2010 by ZZZZ
Re: Simmons BackGuard
Reply #76 Dec 4, 2010 11:31 AM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Laughing ....

Now we're getting some great feedback and information. One more night with this (reversing the topper if you'd like but no big deal) and we'll take a look at where we are.


This message was modified Dec 4, 2010 by Phoenix

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