Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Jan 20, 2008 6:38 PM
Joined: Jan 15, 2008
Points: 9
I notice in Sleep EZ's warranty/trial info you can swap any layer for another as long as you pay the return shipping.  Then it says "subsequent layer replacement would be at current price of 2.8" layer, plus shipping."  So, is this basically saying you get one swap then you have to buy the layers outright (which are up to $400)?  Has anyone had any experience with Sleep EZ in exchanging more than one layer?  Do they hold you strickly to this policy, or will they work with you on multiple exchanges?
Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #1 Jan 21, 2008 3:24 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
No experience w/ SleepEz. My guess is that this just means that after first replacement, you would have to pay any price differences (cost increase). You would be credited for piece returned. However, with any company, get full understanding IN WRITING before ordering.
Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #2 Jan 21, 2008 5:49 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
That is why I went with FloBeds, I had about 8 swaps and I paid nothing for the swaps and made all my latex cores much firmer than I had at first thought I needed. I needed this flexibility. With the price of my bed going down a few times within the 90 days, I paid no more than if I went to (Dave gave me an immediate credit on my credit card for the difference each time I informed him of the price drop) and I had the no restocking fee guarantee and the swapping as many cores as I want.  SleepEZ is a good deal with Shawn also having a good reputation like FloBeds has if one lives near the store or has another one of their beds in the house and knows exactly what they need upon order.  But for me, I hate restocking fees since if something does not work out, I like a full refund.  I also like having as much flexibility as I can when trying to make a bed perfect for my needs.
Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #3 Jan 22, 2008 12:26 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
I'm with Lynn on this one.  For someone who is 99.99% sure of what they want, I think either company is fine.  If you are new to latex like we were, I think Flobeds is a better bet.  We went through 3 exchanges (multiple cores each time) with Flobeds + we exchanged our topper and Flobeds gave us no problems.  The topper isn't even mentioned in their policy but Dewey @ Flobeds was kind enough to give us an exchange.
Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #4 Jan 22, 2008 5:15 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I had written to SleepEZ in the past and I interpreted their letter back to me that one latex core exchange was allowed for free and that was it. If I wanted another latex core I would have to pay for a new core with no refund of the old latex core.  If their policy has changed please correct me. Some people are not picky and can sleep on any combination of cores but I know I am picky on the firmness of my bed so I had no choice but to go with a company that I could switch out layers.  Both and seem to have a good reputation so for me I had to choose flexibility and no restocking fee in case latex would not be for me and that is why I went with FloBeds.  I also went with FloBeds since two of my clients have a FloBed and told me about their latex bed and shared the website with me before I ever found this site.  Then I did some research and felt comfortable with my decision.
D3Fi, Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #5 Jan 23, 2008 6:04 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
D3Fi, I was wondering what latex core combination you ended up with since you and your wife seem to like very firm beds like me.  What latex topper thickness and ILD did you end up with? 
Re: D3Fi, Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #6 Jan 25, 2008 5:14 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
Lynn2006 wrote:
D3Fi, I was wondering what latex core combination you ended up with since you and your wife seem to like very firm beds like me.  What latex topper thickness and ILD did you end up with? 


We have a 32 ILD 2" natural topper on top of 38(nat)-38(nat)-44(blended).  My wife's side has the 44 in the middle.  At least 2 of the 38s are actually 40s however.  The entire test sticker was still on them and showed a 40 at all tested points.  Both sides are very,very firm.  My wife who always loved a soft bed actually ended up firmer than me (by moving the 44 to the middle) - go figure.  She like her just as it is.  I am 95% satisfied with my side though I would like a little more cush at the shoulder for side sleeping.  If we did it all over, now knowing that Flobeds is willing to do custom zoned beds, I think we would go zoned.

We did try the the all SF blended out of desperation to get away from the mush - not realizing at the time how big of an impact each layer has on the total feel.  Live and learn.  I think that's something that should be mentioned more often here as someone new to latex really cannot imagine the difference even 1 layer can make.

D3Fi - Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #7 Jan 25, 2008 6:48 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
D3Fi, Thank you so much for sharing your configuration with me.  I really apppreciate you letting me know you are comfortable also with a similar firmness to my bed (the way I redid the layers this morning) and your wife who used to like a softer bed put a 44 ILD in the middle of the bed (the way I had my bed yesterday).   I wonder if a 32 ILD that is 2" thick would be comfortable for my hips and middle of my back would be good for me and a 17 ILD for my shoulders would be good for me.  I am going to sleep on what I have right now with the 1" topper and then back to the 1.5" topper before I call Dave on Monday to ask him what I should do.  If I kept my bed the way it was, I was very happy but I guess I am a perfectionist and want my shoulders to have a little more cushion.  I know I had no cushion with my old conventional bed and I turned all night from side to side to get away from the pressure points. I do not turn much at all now.   I wish FloBeds would have zoned toppers but I guess they do if we bought the custom zoned bed but we both did not. I do love my bed and it is great to hear others also like very firm latex beds like I do.  I love how there are no chemicals in the bed to bother my allergies. 
Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #8 Jan 28, 2008 6:41 AM
Joined: Jan 15, 2008
Points: 9
Just for everyone else's information, I called Sleep EZ over the weekend and they were very helpful in answering a number of questions.  As for the issue of swapping layers, the person I spoke to said they'll send you one layer that you can play with and then return another layer, and all you pay is the return shipping (~$20-$25).  As for swapping layers after that, they just make you pay for shipping both ways.  Sounds like a fair deal to me.  Moving closer to my Sleep EZ latex mattress purchase...
Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #9 Jan 28, 2008 8:38 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I am glad we went with flo-beds 4 years ago.

I did a lot of research and was 99% sure I'd be able to find a good latex combination. But after swapping out several cores, paying for shipping and etc. we decided we just did not like Talalay (or any?) latex, not even with a memory foam topper. So we sent the whole thing back, only lost $100 or so in shipping costs, and flo-beds gave us no hassles at all about the refund.

So unless you have slept on latex before, I really encourage you to go with a company like flo-beds that allows a complete refund if you find latex doesn't float your boat.

Re: Sleep EZ layer swap policy
Reply #10 Feb 3, 2008 10:39 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
mpb2000 wrote:
Just for everyone else's information, I called Sleep EZ over the weekend and they were very helpful in answering a number of questions.  As for the issue of swapping layers, the person I spoke to said they'll send you one layer that you can play with and then return another layer, and all you pay is the return shipping (~$20-$25).  As for swapping layers after that, they just make you pay for shipping both ways.  Sounds like a fair deal to me.  Moving closer to my Sleep EZ latex mattress purchase...

Their policy doesn't read that way and my own email replies from them don't support either.  However, let's say they have changed their policy.  The shipping will still be double for exchanges compared to Flobeds or someone with the same exchange policy as Flobeds.  We exchanged ~10 cores in all so I would have hated to pay double shipping on that.

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