SleepEZ 13000
Jun 22, 2008 9:00 AM
Joined: Jun 22, 2008
Points: 2
My wife and I have been looking for a new mattress for sometime and after wandering through many stores and trying multiple kinds of mattresses, a latex mattress seems to be the most comfortable to us.  We saw the SleepEZ website and had the opportunity to stop by their store earlier in the week as we live in the Phoenix area.  The 13000 seemed to be the most comfortable with a soft, medium, firm, extra firm configuration.  Does anyone have one of these mattresses and if so how do you like it?  While SleepEZ seems to have the best price and are local for us, we're still experiencing sticker shock and would welcome your thoughts/insights.


Re: SleepEZ 13000
Reply #4 Jun 23, 2008 7:44 AM
Joined: Jun 22, 2008
Points: 2

Thanks for the link and the description of your search for the perfect layer configuration.  Now that it's been a year and a half since your made the purchase, would you buy the sleep ez 13000 again?  Someone else replied and suggested the 10000 for the value factor.  Do you think the 4th layer is worth the extra expense?

Re: SleepEZ 13000
Reply #5 Jun 26, 2008 5:51 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 191
After a year and a half I am still very happy with my purchase and would recommend SleepEZ (and Shawn) highly.

Some days I wake up with a sore lower back but that happens just the same as when I sleep in my kids firm beds so I know it's not the mattress itself, but what I do to tweak my back during the day.

Regarding your question regarding the 4 layer (13000) VS the 3 layer (10000) I will say this...

I think 3 layers is more than enough as when I was playing with layer combinations, I purposely left out one layer for a couple nights sleep and felt no difference in comfort or support.
Also, when I purchased my 13000 series mattress, there was no price difference between the 100% Natural Talalay and the Talalay blended, so I opted for the 100% Natural.

Now there is a $200 upcharge so that's another option I would question.

I would say save your $$...go for the SleepEZ 10000 series in 65/35 blend Talalay and sleep even better knowing you saved your hard-earned dollars.


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